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The next morning he was late. In the elevator, he discovered his boss, but he just bowed and ignored his existence the whole minute. But RM noticed the mark on his neck.

The girl called him the next day in the evening when he was coming home with Jimin in the cab. I called him to meet him again at the same club, but he refused fast, saying his too tired and maybe only would be able to meet her on the weekend. She cut the call angrily. Jungkook sighed and put his head on Jimin's shoulder, taking a nap for a moment until they reached home.

She called again the next day, but she got the same answer. But she begged to talk to her for a moment and Jungkook was clueless about how to say No to her, so she ended up answering all her questions. At the end of the Jungkook regrets his choice very much.

The stubborn lady arrived the next day at his workplace and entered his cabin. Opening the door, she gets in and puts the warmest smile on, she said.

"Hi, baby ..." Jungkook choked on nothing. He suddenly stood up walking toward her, panicking hell out of it.

" What the hell are you doing here? You're not allowed here. How can you come to my workplace? Fucking hell shouldn't you have informed me before you came here ...." Maria silenced him by gripping his collar and kissing him. She was using her strength, pushed him backward, and he walked back and stopped at his desk.

Jungkook didn't felt comfortable, yet he didn't push her away Because he saw two Kim brothers were walking toward his cabin through the glass door. Instead , he wrapped his both arms around her waist, pulling her closer. It wasn't clear to him why the hell he felt the urge to do this action, but he didn't regret it and felt proud watching their surprised faces when Taehyung opened the door.

Taehyung immediately turned yelling' Holy shit' and Namjoon bit his inside cheek and smirked when they broke the unwanted kiss. Jungkook was confused for a moment when he didn't get the reaction he was willing to acquire.

" Taehyung, you can turn around."
RM said.

Taehyung turned around and was surprised at how the girl wasn't embarrassed. She's not even lowering her head in front of Jungkook's boss.

" Jungkook. We're here to invite you to our family dinner for tonight ..."

" But it's okay. The" RM interrupted "Jeon looks busy in funny business, even if it's not allowed in my company rules. So you're welcome to get the hell out of here and maybe find a cheap hotel as you can't afford the expensive one. "

RM turns to and holds the door knob, but then he glanced back at Them. But said nothing. Just called Taehyung and he followed him. Joon was angry at Jungkook. Well, he was so angry that he asked him to leave from his sight that very moment and insulted him so rudely and badly in front of the whole staff. He was not in the mood to listen to his younger brother, who was also present there just ordered to cancel him for his job.

RM wouldn't be so pissed if he wasn't late for two hours in the meeting with hickeys on his neck. He wouldn't have gotten so mad if the officers hadn't dismissed their contract and left with a negative impact.

Mostly he was pissed for dealing with the Idol whom they had contacted for the new ambassador of the company's newly launched brand. The Idol's harsh words were annoying in his mind. He was so furious that he insulted his P. For the first time, he was a woman, and he never disrespected a woman no matter what.

Jungkook crying ran from there, leaving all stunned and a few mad at joon as it was not Jungkook fault but RM didn't listen to someone. Taehyung ran after Jungkook to console him, but he failed to catch him because he stopped a cab and got in.

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