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Jungkook began to stroke himself so did Namjoon laid beside him. However, he stopped instantly when he watched the younger biting his lower lips to hold back his sounds. That because he used to masturbate at home and can't make any sound. Otherwise, he would have slept out of the building.

And the Jungkook was staring at him, Nope, Namjoon couldn't focus on his cock and cupping Jungkook face he kissed him. He can do it all day—night. Jungkook sped up his strokes as submitted to him, let him do whatever he wanted.

Namjoon slide his hand to his lower body and circled his belly button with his thumb. Jungkook was close, he can sense it by his expectation. He's breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling. The elder didn't ask for permission like he usually did and took hold of Jungkook, already licking the cock.

Jungkook surprised as fuck looked at him and removed his hold on his cock. He looked at him then turned his face to kiss him, but he couldn't as his balls tightened, and he breathed thicker in his boyfriend mouth.

Namjoon stroked him faster with high energy. Jungkook deepens his fingers on his boyfriend's shoulder and leaked in Namjoon's grip, on his hand and his belly. Jungkook shuts his eyes until the last drop leaked from his cock.

He's body felt weak when he was done. He laid there flat on his back but kept his eyes on him when he gained his sense. Minutes before he's body was burning inside and now he felt cold. He urged to hug his boyfriend.

“ Are you alright?" Jungkook nodded.

Namjoon collected the towel and wiped his hand, then Jungkook's belly and crotch. Jungkook felt like he is being selfish, he's only caring for his pleasure what about his boyfriend.
Namjoon laid beside him, resting his head on support of his hand?

“Baby? Are you still up for bottom?”

“ Of course. But before we move to the main point, can I suck you? Please. Then you can fuck me." Jungkook pleaded. He can sense that Namjoon is about to overthink and refuse so he pushed him down on the mattress and gets on top of him.

He kissed him to shut his mouth before he can speak. Moreover, he was sliding down his palm to his huge and hard cock, how can he act so calm with a boner? Have he been doing it before? Fucking sexy Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon dragon eyes watched his every move as Jungkook gripped the base of his cock, thumb pressing into the prominent vein that rested on the underside of his member. His pale skin flushed a wonderful shade of red when Jungkook slowly pumped his hand up and down his shaft.

Jungkook pinned his hand over his head, he would have tied if he has belt or something. He kneeled between his thighs. Namjoon peaked his head up to watch him, but immediately rested his head on the pillow when Jungkook kissed on the tip of the cock.

He eyes clenched shut in pleasure as Jungkook again palmed his hard cock.
Jungkook could see his desire for him through his parted lips, just waiting for his mouth to take him. Namjoon's right hand tightened in Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook smiled and ran his tongue up and down his entire length. His eyes opened slightly, focusing on Nam's form as his tongue slid around his slit. His nails lightly dug into his scalp, praying that it would be enough to keep him silent and convinced.

Jungkook's fingernails ran down his spine, digging into the muscular flesh as he sucked harshly on the tip of his dick. He took him deeper into his mouth, trying to draw a moan out from his muscular boyfriend's lips.

Jungkook ran his tongue over the heated skin, drool slipping past his lips and down his throbbing cock. His cock twitched in Jungkook's mouth as he took him deeper, stopping before he hit the back of his throat. A quiet moan escaped his lips.

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