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Namjoon gripped him his wrist again, this time using his strength on him, he made him sit. " What the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook screamed but without caring he sat on the driver seat. The younger can do many things, he can open the door or snatched the key so he couldn't start the engine, but he didn't protest. He sat there quickly looking outside through the glass, offended.

Although Jungkook was drenched, but his inside was burning with desire and anger. In the midway he had to turn his face look at him, but his Boss was focus on the road as he should be due to the heavy mist.

" We're going to the Guesthouse."
Namjoon declared suddenly catching his attention, but he just glared at him. Regardless, deep down his fickle mind was wondering what exactly going on his brain.

"Whatever. " Jungkook muttered turning his head again and that bitter tone boost his anger.

Jungkook sitting calmly breathing in and out, but his agitation was on high level. He was yearning to read his mind, but presently he decided to seal his lips. Then he remembered something essential.

To inform Jimin that he will be late due to someone stupidity so sleep in the living room on the couch so he can open the door immediately when Jungkook hit doorbell. He want to get worried his parents also get scolded by them.

Jimin was agreed, so there are no issues to consider. He closed his eyes to take a nap.

" Jungkook... Common." Namjoon said while shaking his shoulder because he falls asleep. Who will not in the beautiful rainy night. He gets off the car and walked ahead without caring if his boss following him.

He walked ahead like the Guesthouse is his, he's the owner.

'In my dream.'

He stopped in front of the massive door and glanced back who bring a Bag with him. He wanted to ask but he doesn't. Namjoon eyed him, but Jungkook looked away. He's yet behaving like a peaky girlfriend even though Namjoon trying his best elaborate and fix their messed up bond.

" Could you hold it for a moment? I need to unlock the door." Namjoon said.

" Give me the key." Jungkook recount forwarding his palm and Namjoon handed him the keys. He opened the door and walked fast on stairs.

" Jungkook... Aren't you going to ask me why we are here for?"

He halt on top of the stair and turned around. He stared at him for a moment. Why it's so difficult for them to communicate without arguing.

Jungkook walked down the stairs while keeping their gaze locked. He stopped, extremely closer to him.

" Why? " He asked. His attention was on his face then slowly he lowered his gaze on Namjoon's neck then his soaked chest which visible through the drenched white full sleeve shirt which clung to his body.

" Jungkook, we need to talk ... I want to talk to you and I assume it would be good place where nobody can interrupt us."

The only part Jungkook obtain was nobody can interrupt them. His eyes were still stuck on the mole he has on his middle of chest.

" Jungkook..." Namjoon whispered, taking a hold of his chin because he wasn't listening to him.

" That's a great idea. Joon."

Jungkook put his hand on his chest and leaned in to kiss him, but Namjoon turned his head away. That's upset the younger, but he doesn't inch apart from his face.

" We're alone, Joon. Nobody will see if I kiss you."

Namjoon pushed Jungkook a bit from his body to keep a respectable distance. Jungkook is ensuring to swallow his dignity and work on his evil and lustful mind. Thank God, Jungkook was wearing a hoodie and trouser, which were drenched as well.

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