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“ Stop using your mouth in bad use." Namjoon frowned at him without realizing what he sounded when he taunted his lover. “ I'm sorry, I don't mean it like you're thinking. I swear."

“ Oh! What am I thinking….care to explain." Jungkook teased again.

“ Obviously something dirty."

“ Yes, filthy." With a surprised and delighted smile, Jungkook leaned forward the few inches it took to press his lips against Namjoon’s, to exhale against them when Namjoon kissed him back. His fingers pulling away from his waist to tangle in his hair and the back of his head instead.

Jungkook had half a mind to put his hand back on his waist, but then it felt too nice having Namjoon play with his hair, having him whisper I love you between kisses.

Jungkook pulled him further down into the mat, his arms wrapping around his shoulders, kisses finding a bite of desperation to them. Namjoon started moving his hips against his, slow and torturous, like he was trying really hard to hold himself back, and Jungkook wanted none of that.

Before Jungkook could even try to turn Namjoon on some more, a scrape of teeth against his bottom lip made him moan out loudly, to which Namjoon pulled away from the kiss to swear before kissing him harder, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth.

Jungkook pressed his entire body upwards, almost like on instinct, trying to get closer, to feel more.

" Fuck …. I feel so hot." Jungkook whispered when they broke the passionate kiss to breathe into each other mouth. " I'm sweating.."

" Don't tell me you want to get naked. Such a naughty boy." Namjoon said, pinching him on his waist and the younger whined but grinned anyway.

Jungkook became silent suddenly.

He bit his lower lips then asked.

“What was the second thing you were expecting from me. Please. I'm curious, to know and willing to do anything."

" Foremost, you need to move from lap. "

" Naah, I'm comfortable here. Don't act like I'm sitting on your cock." Jungkook said leaning in to kiss him but Namjoon seize him by putting his palm on his mouth, Jungkook pouted and smirked at when he licked them. He has to remove his hand.

“ God. Damn Jungkook, you literally don't have filter when you're drunk. Now can untangle your legs around hip, so I could get on my feet. You're gonna starving at the very moment when I will show you what Taehyung had cooked for us. Common, Be a nice Boyfriend and wait here for me. Please."

" Fucking fine." Jungkook stood up and grabbed the another bottle after Joon left to the kitchen. He wasn't drunk enough to be a stubborn ass and protest against Gentlemen Kim Namjoon. He took few minutes to return with the meals meantime Jungkook finished the wine bottle as well.

“ Damn Jungkook, you drank the whole bottle alone, that's so rude. We supposed to finish it together. Do you even have space in your stomach to have dinner?" Namjoon lectured after putting down the dishes served bowl and plate.

“ I'm coming to the point." Jungkook with effort he stood up furiously and gripping him by the collar he pouted, Again. Making an angry face, he asked seriously. “ What was the second wish? Tell me right now otherwise I'm ain't going to have dinner with you. Do you hear me."

' Bossy , stubborn and obviously cute'

Namjoon smiled at him.

" That you'll stay with me tonight, here."

Namjoon admits with pure love and concern. He really doesn't want to send him home at their first date but also doesn't want to have sex with on their first date. That would be inappropriate however he doesn't if the younger would be agreed with him and if was sober. There is no harm in requesting or convincing to your boyfriend. Right?

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