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Jungkook cupped Namjoon's right cheek and began to caress softly without breaking eye contact for a holy second.

" Joon! Don't you ponder that...? You should make it for me for being unable to meet because you will be busy? Huh?"

Jungkook said caressing his chin, he wants to caress those plump lips, but he hesitated. Namjoon widened his eyes in wonder, although Jungkook surprised the elder as the younger pressed his body closer and created a friction.

Namjoon opened his mouth, shuts it when he caught Jungkook's gaze sifting from his eyes to his lips and the way Jungkook licked his lips he felt his throat dry. Jungkook stood on his tiptoe to whisper in his ears taking support of his broad shoulder
" I Love you. Joon " Then he looked at him eye to eye.

" I swear of my life." Jungkook eyes are shining with desire. Desire to be intimate with him, to have him. He clutched his shoulder in desperation. Namjoon can see how Jungkook is holding back just because of him, and he acknowledges it's how much unbearable.

Namjoon's face was already crimson red from the deep thoughts it was imagining, entertaining in his mind. All at once, Joon shifted their place. He lifted Jungkook and sat him on the counter. He immediately hooked his legs around his hip.

They weren't feeling cold anymore.

" Damn Jungkook... Do you want me dead?" Namjoon said. Jungkook shook his head and answered.

" I just want you be mine."

Namjoon brains surrendered in front of his Jungkook desire. He cupped Jungkook face pressed their lips together and the younger immediately wrapped his both arms around his neck, deepened the kiss. It heated up much faster than they had kissed previously.

Jungkook let Namjoon kiss him, devour his mouth as he wanted, becoming fully submissive. Heat swam like fire in her veins when Jungkook began to play with his hair.

Namjoon pulled back with a muffled gasp and stared at him. He's breathing heavily, they're both. If he speaks he's sure his voice will break even though he confessed.

Jungkook's heart was pounding in his chest.

" Yours!.... "
" Jungkook..."

" I love you too..."

Jungkook smiled between heavy breathing, his hands are still gripping his black hair. Fiercely, Jungkook took those desirable thin and soft red lips of his. Joon's invading every corner of the other man's mouth. Both their tongues intertwined as if they were fighting for domination. They only broke their kiss after they could feel their difficulties in breathing.

" Let me ... touch you..." Jungkook said gripping the string to untie the bathrobe without hesitation and Namjoon get the massage so he took it off and threw it on the floor.

"So fucking hot." Jungkook murmured and leaned to bite him on crook of the neck.

He kept placing wet kisses while Namjoon was carrying him to the living room, Jungkook didn't give a thought if he dropped On the floor. The elder finely sat on the sofa, and Jungkook arranged his position as he straddled perfectly him.

All Jungkook could muster was a muffled gasp as he adjusted his ass straddling his thighs. He was making his head spin dangerously. He attempted to move away, but Namjoon tightened his hold on his ass.

" Are you feeling... Uncomfortable?"

" No. Not at all. It's just new to me ... you know I'm Overwhelmed, overjoyed from this moment. It's so real at the same time unbelievable." Jungkook said.

He doesn't know whether this moment will be recreated in the future or not, He doesn't have any idea if Namjoon will confess him tomorrow as the today, he doesn't know and right he doesn't care. He wanted to live at that moment with his Love.

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