Chapter 2

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It was more than two months later, in early November, when Jay got news that it was time for his storyline with Erin Voight to proceed. The news came in the form of a text message from Hank Voight. All it said was that he was needed in Las Vegas and that some travel info would be coming to him from the office. Jay was more than used to messages like that from the boss, so he took it in his stride and waited for the email from WWE HQ.


Three days later, Jay was in a hotel room in Vegas. He was dressed in one of his official WWE merchandise t-shirts, with a leather jacket over it, and a pair of blue jeans. It made sense to dress that way, as someone who was essentially abducting and marrying his boss's daughter and his rival's fiancée because it would ruin all three of their lives would hardly bother dressing up for the occasion.

Of course, in time Erin was going to turn on Hank and Adam to side with Jay, but the audience wouldn't know that until it happened. Jay didn't know how that was going to happen as yet himself, if there even was a plan for it yet. He wasn't sure if Erin had what it took to play a heel character, either. That was his biggest concern about the whole thing, because if the storyline flopped due to her, it would hurt him by association. He told himself that was a bridge to cross if they came to it. For now he had to assume that she was competent and knew what she was doing.

It was time to get down to the lobby. He expected he would be meeting Erin there, along with one of WWE's producers and an extra who had been hired to play the part of the wedding official at the drive-thru place. Jay guessed it was called a wedding official, but he didn't actually know.

Pushing the irrelevant thought out of his mind, he left his room and took an elevator down to the lobby. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw a producer by the name of Dean Archer standing and waiting. There was no one else with him.

Jay made his way over there. "Dean. Figured you'd get this one."

"Hi, Jay. Good to see you. Yes, Hank tries to put me on everything with Erin. Everything's set up over at the drive-thru wedding place. They've brought in an extra to officiate the wedding. She's over there now, as is a cameraman."

"I figured," Jay said. He tended not to chat much with the crew. "So, what's Erin like? She any good? Doesn't seem to be too bad from what I've seen of her stuff with Ruze."

"Yeah, she's good. Watch your back. Here she comes."

Jay turned around, grateful for the warning. What he saw made him freeze for a moment. Contrary to the way he was dressed, Erin had on an expensive sleeveless black dress that showed plenty of leg and some cleavage. Her figure was amazing, and unlike when she was usually on WWE TV in her grandma outfits, she had makeup that made her look hot. Very hot. It was like looking at a different person altogether, and Jay very much liked what he saw. He made sure not to show it though. Gawping at her would hardly be a good way to start their working relationship.

"Hi, Jay," Erin said as she approached. Her appearance was different, but her shy demeanour was not.

"Hey, Erin. You look great today," Jay said. He just couldn't help himself.

"Thank you. This was the dress I wore when we filmed the bachelorette scenes last week, so I had to wear it for this of course. Continuity."

Most scenes that took place away from the live arena audience in WWE were pre-taped, such as today's example. It wouldn't air until Adam and Erin's wedding night, which was two weeks away. The ceremony was going to happen live on Monday Night Raw, and Jay already knew he was going to interrupt it to announce that he had married Erin.

"We've got a Cadillac convertible outside," Dean said. "Erin, you might be a bit cold. Do you want to borrow my jacket?" He had a black fleece jacket on.

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