Chapter 28

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Jay was flapping. He was waiting at O'Hare airport for Erin. After they met up, he was going to drive them back to his apartment, and that was the cause of his concern. What was she going to think of his place? After seeing 'Eagle's Nest', which she had casually decided to drop way over a million bucks on, he dreaded to think. But, thanks to Raquel, he was now committed to having her come over.

He had recently sent a text to Raquel, thanking her again for dropping him in the shit and telling her that when it all went wrong, she was going to be responsible for wrecking his relationship. He had written it in humour. Mostly. As he waited in the arrivals area, a reply came through. It began with four laughing emojis.

Raquel Gonzalez: Stop being a big baby. It's a weird fetish and it doesn't suit you. Thank me after Erin tells you what a great time she had.

Jay burst out laughing at the fetish comment, picturing himself wearing a diaper and drinking from a bottle of milk. Thankfully, his real kink was a lot less weird than that.

About half an hour ago, Erin had sent him a text to say that she was off the plane. That left only the wait at baggage claim before she was able to come meet him, and how long that would take was anyone's guess.

It took more than another fifteen minutes for her to appear, pulling a travel case behind her. She looked gorgeous to Jay, even with a grey beanie on her head. She had on a black leather jacket and black leather gloves, because of course she did, and she was notably wearing jeans. He wasn't sure he could remember seeing that from her before, and he found himself liking the more casual look on her. Then that annoying, constantly negative part of his mind wondered if she had to dress down in order to go somewhere that common people lived. He really hated that part of his mind, and wished he could turn it off. But he couldn't. Today, it was in overdrive.

"Hey! I've been looking forward to this so much," Erin said excitedly as she approached him.

In that moment, Jay recalled Raquel's lecture about needing to tell Erin how he felt. This struck him as one such occasion. Finding the right words was a problem though, so he ended up sounding rather awkward.

"I've missed you," he said as they embraced each other and exchanged a peck on the lips.

"Aw, I missed you too," she said warmly.

Jay was aware that he was lucky with the way she appreciated his small expressions of feelings and emotions because she understood that it was tough for him.

"How was the flight? Do you want me to take your case for you?"

"That's sweet, but I got it. The flight was fine, nothing to comment on either way."

"Well that's good. Any flight without delays and screaming kids is a plus."

"I hear you. Let's get out of here."

"Fair warning, it's nothing compared to the place you're buying," Jay said hesitantly.

She waved him off. "Shush. You act as if I'm going to consider it below my standards or something. A, I'm not like that, and B, believe it or not when I was a kid my dad didn't have much money and we had a small house that was a bit of a dump. I'm not saying I expect your place to be a dump, I'm saying you're going to get no judgement from me no matter what. As I've said before, I'm not some princess who lives in an ivory tower. Can we just have that established once and for all?"

Jay felt bad, and he could imagine Raquel looking at him with disapproval if she had been a part of the conversation. "Okay, sorry," he said. "I'm just self-conscious, I guess." But even with what she had said, the negativity in his head carried right on as if nothing had happened.

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