Chapter 30

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Jay looked across the table at the steakhouse, finding Erin breath-takingly sexy in the violet dress she was wearing. It complimented her figure to perfection, and in Jay's eyes made her stand head and shoulders above everyone else in the building in the beauty stakes. He knew he was a very lucky man.

As they waited for their main course to arrive, the topic of conversation had just turned to work. In truth Erin was doing most of the talking. Jay was a naturally quiet person, and sometimes struggled to get a word in when she was in full flow. Occasionally it seemed like she was talking at him rather than with him, not that he particularly minded.

"So, I'm going to take full control of the creative department after Wrestlemania. Until then, I'm going to be doing some work on the women's division storylines while I get into the swing of things."

"I think that's sensible," he said, drinking some of the expensive but very nice red wine that they were both enjoying.

"Yes, me too. I agreed with dad when he suggested it. It means I've got some Wrestlemania matches to put together, including my own with Sylvie. Safe to say I've got to have her beat me."

He nodded. "Definitely. The fans can't wait for that to happen already. Sylvie's be becoming a fan favourite, mostly because of how much they hate me."

"Right? And there's also Raquel's match with Bayley. It looks like they're going to be the main event on night one."

Wrestlemania was a show so big that it spanned two nights, Saturday and Sunday of the weekend it was held. That still only left two main event matches each year. Getting to appear in a Wrestlemania main event was one of the biggest honours a wrestler could have in their career. Jay had already done it once, and would do it again on night two this year. Raquel was going to get the honour on night one, and he couldn't have been happier for his friend. He was also delighted for Erin on her promotion. It was nice to have people to feel happy for. He enjoyed it. It made him happy in turn.

"I'm very grateful to Raquel," he blurted out. That was how it went when he shared his feelings, and he could only do it with Erin. They just dropped out as soon as his brain reached the point where it would allow their release. Often, like now, they didn't really fit the conversation that was underway.

For her part, Erin seemed to understand why this happened, and never showed the slightest irritation or confusion. She just went with it, allowing him to say what he wanted to say.

"Grateful?" she prompted, drinking some of her wine.

To Jay's frustration, the server decided to arrive then with their mains at that moment. There was a New York strip for him and a filet mignon for her. They both looked perfectly cooked and presented, which he expected for the price. The arrival of the food became the topic of conversation as they shared their first impressions. Jay thought his chance to share something had gone, but Erin brought it back for him when they started eating. He was grateful for that, too.

"You were saying you were grateful to Raquel?"

"Yes," he said, smiling although he had his mouth full. "She has taught me what it's like to have a real friend. A friend who isn't in it for any selfish reason of their own. A friend who supports me and cares about me." As he spoke, it occurred to him that he should be thanking Erin herself for those things, not telling her about feeling grateful to Raquel. "I have those things from you too, of course. Even more so from you. I'm putting my foot in it, aren't I?"

"No," Erin said comfortably. "I know you're not saying you don't get those things from me. Friendship is different to a romantic relationship. I'm glad you and Raquel are getting close. You deserve a good friend, and she is a good friend. That girl is someone I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of. But when she cares, she cares deeply. I too am glad to have her as a friend. You know, we should plan a double date. Me and you, Raquel and Z."

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