Chapter 25

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"I think we're all set," Erin said, intending it as a question. She and Jay were in the suite that she had booked for them in a New York hotel, ahead of viewing the property that she was considering buying.

"We're all set," Jay agreed, zipping up the fleece jacket that he had just put on. He felt content, after some wake up sex, a hot shower and a near perfect room service breakfast. He had been treated like a king by Erin, and he appreciated it a lot. Having someone wanting to make him happy was such a rare experience in his life that the novelty made it feel even better than it would to most people.

The sex had been fantastic too. Erin was good in bed, there was no doubt about it. They were already learning what each other liked. The only complaint Jay could have was that he hadn't gotten a chance to tie her up and tape her mouth yet. He knew full well that she was enjoying making him wait for that. It was frustrating, but it was heightening the anticipation for him too.

"Let's go then. It's a bit of a drive," Erin said.

"It is? Where are we going?" Jay asked as they left the suite, taking their travel cases with them. So far, Erin had been very tight lipped about the property.

"Connecticut. It's in a rural location, much different to the city apartments and houses in suburbs that I've looked at so far. I like where dad and I live because we don't have neighbours close around us. I've got high hopes for this place."

"You've got a car booked, then?" he assumed.

"Nope. I'm driving us," she said. She was walking ahead of him so he couldn't see her face, but it sounded like she was grinning. She seemed to like proving to him that she wasn't such a privileged little rich girl.

"What do you drive?"

"You'd have found out if you let me pick you up from the airport yesterday."

She had said it with humour, but Jay could tell that there was a serious note in there too. By telling her not to bother, that he would get an Uber and meet her at the hotel, he had apparently offended her. His intention had been to do her favour by saving her the trip.

"I thought I was doing you a favour," he protested.

Erin stopped and turned to face him. "Jay, did it not occur to you that maybe I wanted to come pick you up? That I would have enjoyed waiting for you at the airport and seeing you walk out? I was offended when I offered and you said don't bother."

"No," he admitted frankly. "Sorry, I didn't think that at all. And I didn't want to offend you." He chose not to admit that he hadn't known she was offended until now.

"Well I wish you had thought," she said, taking the sting out of her voice. "I know you find it hard, but please try to see things from my point of view sometimes. Let's move on and have a fun day?"

"Let's do that," Jay readily agreed, and Erin gave him a peck on the lips.

They made their way to the bank of elevators, and got lucky with one opening on the floor just as they got there. A man in a smart grey suit stepped out. Jay noticed his eyes linger on Erin for a half second, undoubtedly liking what he saw.

'Yes, she looks hot,' Jay thought about saying in annoyance, but it would have embarrassed Erin as much as the guy. It was true though, she looked great, dressed in an obviously expensive black coat, and for Jay's pleasure and her own, black leather pants and the dark red leather gloves that he had found in her case a few nights back. She had flat-soled shoes on for driving.

"You okay?" Erin asked after the entered the elevator. She was good at picking up on when he was preoccupied.

"Saw that guy check you out. Thought about saying something."

"Can you blame him?" she replied with a cheeky grin that Jay found adorable. He tried to see the humour in it, although it wasn't easy.

"No, not all," he said, managing a smile.

They proceeded down to the lobby, where Erin surprised him again. She decided they would leave their closes at the hotel while they went for the viewing, then come back and eat dinner there before he had to leave for his evening flight.

With the plan agreed and the cases checked in for storage, they walked out to the valet parking area, where they had to wait for Erin's car to be brought around. Jay didn't know what to expect, but he somehow doubted it was going to be a Prius. Having to wait and see was genuinely annoying him.

"Why won't you tell me what your car is?" he griped.

"Why don't you guess?" she countered, giggling at him.

"A Lexus," he said without much thought.


"A Mercedes. That's what I've got. Not that I use it pretty much ever."

"Very flash, Jay. You'll have to take me for a ride in it soon."

"I'll do that," he said, imagining riding her on the back seat. Then he heard the purring sound of what was obviously a powerful engine. Some kind of two-seater sports car came around the corner with a valet behind the wheel and glided to a stop in front of them. It was dark blue and had a white stripe down its centreline. Even idling, it sounded powerful. "That's your car? What is it?"

"It's a Ford GT, 2005 model. It was my dad's, but I bought it from him. He loves his sports cars. I do too, honestly. Thank you," she added to the valet after he got out, handing over the car.

"Let's see what it's like," Jay said, heading around to the passenger side. When he got in, he discovered that the interior looked as good as new and the car smelled fresh. Erin obviously paid someone to maintain it. At least he assumed she didn't do it herself. He also noticed that it was a stick shift. He had never driven one.

"At least there's no snow today. I hate driving in that crap," Erin said as she settled into the driver's seat.

"You drive a stick shift? I've never done that."

"Dad taught me when I learned to drive. He says it's the only way you can drive a fast car properly, and he's right."

Erin got them moving and they cruised out into the busy city traffic. It wasn't a fast car in New York traffic, nothing was. But travelling with hot chick in a flash car was great for Jay's ego. He played it cool as he chatted with Erin, but inside he was having a blast.

It took them the best part of an hour to get out of the city and onto faster roads. Then, at last, there was a chance for Erin to show him what the big Ford engine could do. He didn't need to ask her to, either. She planted the accelerator to the floor and the engine roared, pushing them back in their seats with its power. She shifted smoothly up through the gears and briefly had them doing over 100mph.

"I love that feeling," she said, glancing at him with a big smile on her face.

Jay smiled back at her, and a thought suddenly dawned on him: 'Holy shit. This is what it's like to actually be happy.'


A/N: The idea for this chapter came to me when I was starting to work on the property viewing, so I decided to put it in. I hope it was worth it?

I'm also experimenting with a slightly shorter chapter than I usually write. Let me know if you prefer this king of length, or a little longer.

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