Chapter 40

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Backstage at the convention centre that WWE had booked, a matter of minutes ahead of his meet and greet session, Jay found himself standing with Raquel. By chance, her VIP meet and greet had also been arranged for the Friday afternoon session.

"Still seems crazy that so many people would pay nearly two hundred bucks to see me," Raquel said to him.

Jay nodded. "I was thinking the same thing yesterday. About myself, I mean," he quickly clarified in case he offended her.

"I can't imagine you look forward to it? Must be tough for you," she said sympathetically.

"Yeah, but I'll get through it. I focus on giving the people value for money."

"That's a good way to look at it," Raquel said thoughtfully.

Jay looked at his friend for a moment. She had made an effort for the occasion, dressed up in white pants and stylish a black sleeveless top that showed off her impressive physique. She had gotten makeup done and her hair straightened. She was a beautiful woman for sure, not that he looked at her that way. He could only ever see his best friend, not someone he might sleep with, even if he wasn't happily committed to his relationship with Erin.

The staff at the meet and greets were mostly volunteers, who could be easily spotted by their bright red t-shirts with black WWE logos on the back. One of them opened the door to the convention centre's main hall, signalling to the wrestlers that they could go through. Fans would have started to be admitted half an hour earlier, and would be lining up at whichever stage they wanted to visit first.

"You go ahead," Raquel said to Jay. "I'm going to quickly grab a coffee to take with me."

"Alright. Have fun," Jay said, and headed for the door. The fans were kept away from the door by a steel railing about thirty feet away. Jay followed the laid out walkway and one of the volunteers directed him to VIP stage number one. As he approached, he saw that his line was already filling up. The fans there started cheering and calling his name.

Climbing up the steps onto the stage, Jay found the usual setup. There was a metal chair behind a table that was covered in black cloth. Across from the table there was a photographer, his camera set on a tripod. Fans were allowed to bring one item for him to sign, and were allowed one picture with him. They were not allowed to come behind the table for the picture. A burly security guard stood at the edge of the stage in case anyone pushed their luck, but Jay had never experienced that. Fans who paid good money to get in did not want to be thrown out again.

Jay was sitting down and making himself comfortable when he heard the fans at the next stage cheering. Their wrestler had appeared. He looked over and saw that it was Raquel. For now, until her upcoming character change happened, she was a babyface. That allowed her to really play up to the fans.

"How's everyone doing?" Jay quite clearly heard her shout.

There was a loud cheer.

"What do you think of Jay Halstead?" she shouted next. He instantly figured out she was having some with him, trying to get them to boo him because he was a heel. It worked. The fans in front of her stage booed.

To Jay's surprise, the fans in his line got involved, counteracting the boos by starting to chant his name. It made him laugh, which wasn't something he had expected to do for the next hour or so.

He got to work meeting his fans, shaking hands, exchanging pleasantries, signing whatever merchandise they brought forward and posing for their pictures, remaining seated behind the table.

During one of the brief breaks between fans, he glanced over at Raquel's stage. He had to smile when he saw that she had moved her table out of the way, and was standing with her fans for their pictures. That was technically against regulations, but she wouldn't get in trouble for it. It would give the fans a better experience and better pictures with her. When he looked over, Raquel was meeting a girl who wasn't as tall as her, hardly a surprise, but was quite well built. They were posing with the fan clenching the bicep of her right arm, while Raquel pointed at it and looked at it with a theatrical, wide-eyed 'holy shit!' expression on her face. Jay had to laugh. Raquel was so much fun, in a way that he could only dream of, and she was having an absolute blast with her fans. At the same time, it made him feel a little sad that he would probably never have the level of confidence that she was blessed with. Maybe with Erin and Raquel's help he could improve, though.

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