Chapter 34

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Three weeks had gone by since Jay and Erin had spent the night at Zelina and Raquel's house. Erin had almost gotten over what she had said about getting with Zelina. Blaming it all on too much rum, she blushed bright red every time Jay mentioned it, which he had now resolved himself not to do anymore. As fun as it was, embarrassing her wasn't really a good thing to do.

Wrestlemania was fast approaching now, as was Erin's promotion and her purchase of Eagle's Nest. She was very busy with it all, but she always made time for video calls with Jay when they were apart, and time to give him her undivided attention when they were not. He appreciated her efforts more than he could tell her, even more so because no one had ever shown him that kind of commitment or consideration in the past.

Jay was sitting in catering one Tuesday afternoon ahead of a non-televised event, enjoying a coffee and minding his own business. Lately, Erin wasn't working live events as she was too busy, and Raquel wasn't at this one either as she had media commitments – one of the downsides of reaching the upper echelons of the main roster. That took care of both people he liked to spend time with, although maybe in time Zelina's name might make the list.

He was surprised when Sylvie Brett approached him, bringing with her a glass of orange juice and a salad box.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked politely.

Jay's first instinct was to say that he did mind. But there was an inherent pleasantness about Sylvie. There had been every time he had encountered her. And he told himself that his friendship with Raquel showed that he shouldn't automatically dismiss everyone. This was how most people killed time, and in some cases made friends – by talking to each other.

"Go ahead," he said.

"Thanks." Sylvie sat down and started eating her salad. She was wearing her 'Dr Brett' outfit already, although not any gloves. Jay imagined that would have disappointed Erin if she were there. The thought amused him.

A minute went by before Sylvie attempted to make conversation. "How are you then, Jay?"

"Good. You?" As ever, he found conversation with a virtual stranger difficult. Sylvie was going to have to get them started.

"I'm doing okay," she said, looking at him while eating. "Wondered if I could run something by you?"

"Sure," he said warily. What on Earth she wanted to run by him, he couldn't possibly imagine.

"A few days ago, one of the road agents informed me that it's been locked in that I'll be beating Erin at Wrestlemania. It means a lot to me that she'll not only get in the ring to wrestle me, she'll put me over too. I'd like to buy her a drink or dinner to thank her."

"Okay, do it then," he said, not seeing what the issue was. "It's a nice gesture, she'd appreciate it."

"It's not that easy though, is it? You don't just walk up to one of the Voights and invite them out for a drink."

One of the Voights, Jay thought, trying to figure out what that was supposed to mean. He decided to push past his social awkwardness and simply ask her. "What do you mean by that?"

Sylvie ate for a moment, looking like she was deciding how to answer. "She's one of the bosses. She pretty much owns this place. I'm always extra careful to be polite and stuff when I talk to her. You must know what I mean?"

Jay hadn't considered it that way. Back when he had first started the on-screen marriage angle, things in real life had kind of taken on a life of their own. He hadn't ever been wary of Erin because she might run WWE one day. There was also the fact that until the coming promotion, which Sylvie didn't know about, Erin wasn't in charge of anything. But he did understood where Sylvie was coming from. Anxiety was one thing he could relate to. He took it upon himself to allay her concerns somewhat.

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