Chapter 63

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"Hey, Raquel. Have a seat," Erin said when the WWE Women's Champion walked into her office. Raquel was wearing simple black pants and a sleeveless version of one of her WWE merchandise shirts, this one in black with a gold RVG logo on the front. She offered Erin a smile, showing no sign of being upset about what had happened the previous day.

"Erin. Congrats again. It must feel great to be the boss?"

"Thank you. Right now, it's a lot to deal with. I'll get there though Forgive me, but we need to get on with this. There's so much to do tonight. Firstly, a ground rule. It's kind of been an informal one anyway. Now it's formal. During work hours, our friendship is not a factor in anything that happens or anything we talk about. I'm the boss, you're the employee. Outside of work hours, I'd like our friendship to remain as strong as it is right now. That goes for Z too of course. Any problems with that?"

"Of course not," Raquel said. "You're the boss now. I don't see how it could be any other way. Something tells me that's not why you asked me to come in though. You want to talk about what happened yesterday."

Erin nodded. "I do. Most importantly, I want to check that you're okay? Both of you, I mean."

"Work time, so you're asking professionally?"

"Right now, yes."

"Alright. We're both okay. What happened won't stop either of us doing our jobs, and I know not to talk about it to anyone so as not to have WWE seen in a bad light by anyone. Not that it should. That's why I'm in here and Z isn't, right?"

"Partially, yes," Erin admitted. "I'm glad you know what I need from you on this." Raquel had a smart head on her shoulders, which was a positive. But the rigid professionalism bothered her on a personal level. Keeping the two separate was hard in a situation like this. It made her feel bad because she had a feeling that Raquel was putting a brave face on things and maybe needed a friend to talk to.

"Alright, I'm going to go ahead and immediately break the rule I just made," she decided. "But only because of the seriousness of what we're talking about. Personally now, how are you holding up? You killed a man yesterday. That has to be traumatic, even for someone with a military background?"

Raquel thought about her answer for a moment. "Honestly? Killing him doesn't trouble me. He put himself in that situation. He also assaulted someone with a gun and threatened to use it to kill people, including me and my girlfriend. What I did needed to be done, so I did it."

"But something is troubling you," Erin observed. It was obvious in Raquel's tone.

"I couldn't sleep last night," she admitted. "Every time I drifted off, I got the same nightmare – that asshole busting into the diner, but instead of pistol whipping that guy he shoots Z in the head. That could have happened, Erin. My Z. She could have been killed, and I wouldn't have been able to stop it."

"But that didn't happen," Erin said in a reassuring tone.

"No, but it could have. That's what I can't get out of my head. I didn't come in here planning to talk about this. Opening up isn't easy for me."

Erin nodded. "I know. I mean, that's why I know nothing about your time in the military, even though we're friends."

"Neither does Jay. Only Z knows about some of the things I've done. I don't like talking about it."

"I respect that. Raquel, as your boss and as your friend, it's important to me that you're okay. The same goes for Z. WWE will pay for counselling, if you'd like to talk to someone about what happened yesterday."

Raquel managed a smile. "That's good of you. Don't think it's necessary though. We'll both be fine, seriously."

"If you're sure," Erin conceded. "On a personal level, I'd like to invite you guys to come out to Eagle's Nest and stay with us for a couple of days. It'd be nice to spend some time with you. Jay would definitely enjoy it. Might do you guys some good to have a short break?"

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