Chapter 23

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After Jay and Erin had eaten most of what had turned out to be a delicious but enormous pizza, they had agreed that she would take a bath before he gave her a massage. Jay had said it was a good idea because her hip was the main problem, and soaking it would help to bring out the bruising. He had run the water nice and hot for her, adding some of the complimentary bath oil that was provided. If anything he had put too much in, but Erin had sounded happy with it when she went in there, taking a glass of champagne with her.

The only downside for Jay was that it left him in the suite with nothing to do for a while, other than lying on the bed relaxing and drinking his own champagne. He spent some time thinking about the rumble match that he had won, and about the Wrestlemania main event that he was now guaranteed. It was going to be a real career highlight.

Then he thought of Raquel, who would be celebrating her own win, probably in a lot more pain than he or Erin were. She had made herself a star though, by performing for more than an hour in the ring. It was an impressive physical feat to be able to do that. He considered texting her, but decided not to. Raquel would be winding down, likely relaxing with Z. She would probably be too tired to celebrate much, or to be bothered with people's texts, he imagined. So instead he turned the TV and put a news channel on while he waited for Erin.

Over an hour went by before she came out of the bathroom. But when she did, it was instantly worth the wait for Jay because she only had her panties on.

"Holy... Wow, you're beautiful," he said, sitting up on the bed. She didn't have big tits, but on some women smaller ones were perfect for their body. Erin fitted that description to a tee.

She smiled sweetly. "Thank you. I'll take that massage now, please. I didn't dry my back. Figured it would be best to have it wet since we have no massage oil."

"Good thinking. Not sure how well this will go without that oil, especially since I've never done a massage before. Mikami would have done a better job."

"But I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much," Erin said as she got onto the bed.

"Tell me that after I've done it," he quipped. "But I'll do my best. How do you feel after that long soak?"

"Honestly? Not much different. It was nice, but it doesn't seem to have helped. My hip still hurts. Can't believe how hard those stupid ring aprons are. I didn't want Raquel to know I got hurt in case she blamed herself." She lay down on her front, resting her head on her crossed forearms.

"Yes, I saw you hiding your limp from her. That was sweet of you."

Jay got onto the bed and started to work her left shoulder, which had gotten banged up by the Chingona Bomb. He had no clue what he was doing, but he tried to mimic what he had felt Violet Mikami do when she worked his own sore muscles.

"Jesus, that feels tight," Erin winced pretty much as soon as he started.

"It does," he agreed. "Let me get into it. I hope it's not a thing to massage someone too much or something."

"I don't know." She then moaned in pain as he started working on her more strongly.

"You must have enjoyed being in the match though, right? There's nothing else like wrestling in front of a hot crowd like that. Makes the pain all worth it."

"Definitely. I think me taking that Chingona Bomb got one of the loudest pops of the night. It helped to put Raquel's babyface turn over, which makes it good business. I was glad to do it for her. That woman is going to draw us a crap load of money once she's established as a face and we've got the title belt on her."

"For real," Jay said. In truth, he didn't want to talk about work. It was always going to be an easy trap for him and Erin to fall into, but he knew that there had to be a lot more to connect them besides wrestling if their relationship was to last.

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