Chapter 46

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Erin arrived home barely able to recall the drive from WWE HQ. She had driven almost in a daze, able to think about nothing else apart from the utter shit show that was coming fast over the horizon. Imagining all of the possible consequences of Hank's behaviour was already a nightmarish undertaking. It seemed highly likely that he was going to have to step down. But then what?

One way or another, a new chairperson would need to be appointed. But who would that be? They way Erin imagined it, everyone on the board would want to make a play at the top job. Ironically, she saw herself, as the only option to keep a Voight in charge of the Voight family business, as the only person on the board who wouldn't make a play. She considered herself too inexperienced to be chairwoman. But that would mean a family outsider running the family business, and that prospect made Erin feel sick to her stomach, and very angry. It was never supposed to be this way. WWE was supposed to pass from Hank, through her, and onto her kids, assuming she had kids some day. She did want to have children. That was a subject that she hadn't explored with Jay yet though.

It wasn't just who was in charge of WWE that was going to be a problem. By now, the official statement about the investigation would have been released, which of course would be a public relations disaster. It was also intensely embarrassing for Erin personally. She knew there would be memes flying around already, making fun of Hank, and some would no doubt be making fun of her too. There was already enough of that thanks to Hank being in a relationship with Amanda Rose, who was younger than her.

Thinking about Hank being with Amanda only made Erin more angry. The latest in what now seemed like it might be a long line of bimbos that he had spent his time fucking. God only knew how many former PAs he had slept with and paid off. All of that dirty laundry would be going public soon, Erin knew. She wasn't naive enough to believe for a moment that someone on the board wouldn't leak every sordid detail to some journalist or other, then it would end up all over the internet. And that would be the final nail in Hank's chairmanship of WWE.

Parking up on the driveway at Eagle's Nest, Erin saw Jay come to the front door, having heard the unmistakeable engine tone of her Ford GT. He was home all weekend as his elbow injury had meant removing him from non-televised events, so at least there was that. Having to go through all this with him only available on the phone would have been a lot worse.

"I tried to call you," Jay said as she got out of the car. He was standing with the front door open. "Christ, Erin, it's all blowing up online. Are you okay?"

"My phone's off." She slammed the car door and hurried over to him, hugging him instead of answering his question.

"What the hell has your dad been playing at?" Jay asked. He was obviously trying to come to terms with it himself.

"That's not helping, Jay," she said. "Just hold me for a minute, will you? It's all I've wanted since I walked out of that fucking boardroom." Unnecessary swearing wasn't usual for her at all, but she couldn't help it while she was so stressed.

"Of course, but let's go inside. It's cold out here."

They stepped into the house and Jay pushed the door closed with his foot as he hugged Erin again. Just being in his arms made Erin feel a little better already. She felt supported. She felt safe. She felt loved.

"I can't believe it. I really can't believe it," she said eventually, still hugging him.

"So it's true then? I read Hank slept with a PA and paid her two million bucks for a non-disclosure agreement?"

The leaks had started, Erin realised, not that she was remotely surprised.

"It looks like it," Erin said with a sigh. "And there are more, I'm pretty certain. I confronted my dad after the board meeting and asked him that. He didn't deny it, which is basically the same as admitting it."

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