Chapter 36

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Erin's bedroom wasn't far from being as big as Jay's apartment, he thought after having a look around it. The main room was huge and had a king size bed as well as a large TV on the wall opposite it. On top of that there was a bathroom that had a bath and a separate wet room with a shower. There was also a walk-in wardrobe. At the moment, the walk-in was stacked with boxes ahead of Erin moving house. Looking at the number of boxes, Jay suspected they contained more clothes and shoes than he had ever seen in his life.

"You're moving out, and all you're taking is clothes," he said as a joke.

"Pretty much," Erin said with a giggle, standing behind him at the entrance to the walk-in. "Furniture has already been delivered to Eagle's Nest yesterday and this morning, as I told you. Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to wash up."

As she went into the bathroom and closed the door, Jay went over to the bed and undressed down to his underwear. He noticed that the nightstands either side of the bed were bare, and he could see places on the walls where pictures had been taken down. All of those things had been boxed up too. He wondered what her new furniture was like. She hadn't talked to him about any of it. In some ways, she was very independent, not that he minded.

He lay back on the bed, not wanting to get under the covers as the room was too warm for his liking. Erin had opened a window for him, allowing some of the very cold air in from outside. It wouldn't be long before it needed to be closed again.

"What a day," he muttered to himself. He had made peace with Hank, and was now in Erin's room, in Hank's house. And the only objection that had been raised to that had been Hank dryly saying, 'I don't suppose I can interest you in a guest room?'

The bathroom door opened and Erin walked into bedroom wearing only her underwear. It was blue, one of her favourite colours. She looked absolutely breath-taking as always. Her intentions were clear.

"We're really going to have sex? With your dad in the house?" Jay asked as she came over to the bed.

"We are. Like I said, his room is on the other side of the house. In any case, I locked the door." She closed the window then climbed onto the bed next to him.

"I feel like he might hear us."

Erin moved closer to her night stand and opened the top drawer. "Maybe this will help?" she said, producing a roll of tape. And not just any tape, either. It was the white semi-translucent tape that she'd had over her mouth in those impossibly sexy selfies she had sent him early on in their relationship, and that she had used on him in a hotel room.

"You're going to let me use this on you?" he asked, hoping his heart didn't give out on him before he got the chance. It felt like it might.

"I'm going to insist on it." She handed him the tape and a condom that she had also retrieved from the drawer. "Just give me a minute. There's something else I need to get."

Jay watched her get off the bed and go towards the walk-in. "Gloves?" he guessed.

"You know it. You're going to enjoy your kink, so I'm going to enjoy mine."

He heard her open one of the cardboard boxes. "Do you have a box full of gloves in there?" he asked, unable not to laugh at the image it put in his mind.

"No comment."

A few moments later, after some rummaging noises, Erin returned carrying a box. Jay was able to read that it contained nitrile gloves.

"Are those the ones we bought that day?" Jay asked.

"No. They're stashed away, with the green rubber ones. I said they would be a treat for after I've moved into Eagle's Nest."

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