Chapter 31

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Spontaneity was one of the most alien concepts for Jay. He was a creature of routine, craving predictability and stability in his life. But today he had decided to be spontaneous. Even better, the idea was entirely his own. For that reason alone, he felt proud of himself.

A rare couple of days ahead without any WWE shows to work had made this little trip possible, heading from Pittsburgh to New York before flying home to Chicago. He had just parked his hire car in the lot at WWE HQ. Erin would be inside, working her day job in accounts. Soon, she would be moving way up the ladder to head up the creative department. That would give her a lot more power, and pay her a lot more money. Both of those things were a turn on for him.

By design, Erin had no idea that he was coming. He had actually been able to come up with a plan to surprise her, and he looked forward to her reaction when she saw him. He looked forward to seeing her too. It was now at the point where he missed her greatly whenever they were not together.

It was a few minutes after noon when he walked into the building's lobby. It wasn't his first visit to HQ of course. He'd had meetings with Hank here in the past, and all contract renewals were handled here. It had been some time though, but to his eye the only thing that had changed in the lobby was the receptionist. One pretty blonde replaced by another. On the wall behind he the reception desk there was a large illuminated WWE logo. Off to the right stood a security guard in a suit, trying and failing not to look overtly like security.

The receptionist recognised Jay of course. He was one of WWE's biggest stars, how could she not?

"Mr Halstead. Good afternoon. Uh, I don't have you down to come in today," she said, looking at her computer screen with an air of panic, assuming someone had made an error.

"I'm not down to come in today, don't worry. I was, uh, passing, and I thought I'd come in and see Erin Voight."

"Oh," the receptionist said, smiling now that she knew there was not going to be an issue. "Ms Voight works on the third floor, in accounts. I can issue you with a visitor pass, and I'll call to let her know you're here."

"Yes to the visitor pass, no to the call ahead. It would ruin the surprise."

The woman looked troubled, unused to rules and regulations not being followed. "Sir, I'm supposed to call anyone who has a visitor." A phone started ringing on her desk.

"She'll be glad you didn't," he assured her. "If anyone does say anything though, you tell them to call me."

Jay was surprised by how confident he had been during the exchange. Maybe Erin was having an effect on him?

Convinced, the receptionist issued him with a visitor pass, ignoring the phone for now. "Take the elevator to the third floor. The accounts department will be on your right."

"Thank you," Jay said, leaving her to answer the persistent caller. He went over to the elevator, where he had to scan the visitor pass before the call button would respond to his touch. When it did, the elevator was actually at the lobby. The doors slid open right away.

Jay took the elevator up to the third floor. When the doors opened, there were two men in suits there waiting to use it. They were understandably surprised to come face to face with Jay Halstead.

"Oh. Hi," one of them said as the other nodded shyly.

"Hey," Jay said. Moving past them, he headed to the right, directed to the accounts department by a sign on the wall opposite the elevator as well as by the receptionist's instructions. His stomach suddenly knotted up, as that ever annoying part of his psyche that was always negative told him that Erin was about to blow up at him for showing up at her place of work unannounced. For a second he wanted to turn around and leave. But no, he had come this far. He would go through with it.

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