Chapter 85

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Jay had decided to wait to give Erin the news about Hailey reconsidering her opposition to Maya Mizrachi being re-hired until he could do it in person. The main reason being so that he could see her reaction. He knew how much bringing Maya back to WWE meant to her.

Resisting telling her as soon as he got home from his couple of days on the road hadn't been easy, however he managed to hold back until they had finished dinner and settled down together on the couch.

"Oh, I meant to tell you, Clem and Hailey asked to see me backstage the other day. Asked me to pass on to you that after some consideration, Hailey has changed her answer about Maya coming back. She's a yes now."

Erin's eyes lit up. "And you're casually telling me this now? We talked on the phone a bunch of times while you were on the road!"

He laughed, enjoying her reaction as much as he had expected to. "Alright, you got me. Truth is I wanted to see the look on your face when I told you. It was worth it. So, I guess you can call Maya tomorrow, or whatever. It's in time for the Royal Rumble, if you want to get her involved in that."

"Things would have to come together fast to make that happen now, but it's not impossible."

As she spoke, Jay could figuratively sense the cogs turning in her head. He had put some thought into Maya's return in the past day or so himself. Since he had been asked to have some input on creative regarding Clementine, he figured he had a chance of Erin considering what he had to say on the matter. As ever, stepping out of his comfort zone wasn't easy. The fact that it was Erin has was talking to helped a lot though.

"I've got a question for you. Why do you plan on having Maya team up with Clem, Raquel and Kylie when she comes back? It doesn't make sense to me. Clem's group will be heels by then. Hailey is also a heel, with Sylvie's group. Surely Clem vs The Wildcat and Upton vs The Wildcat is where the money is? Surely she needs to come back as a babyface? Apart from anything else, the roster would be very top heavy on heels."

Erin looked at him and seemed to go through a number of emotions as she chewed over what he had said. An element of surprise at being challenged. Pleased by his demonstration of increased confidence. And most importantly for him, genuine interest in what he had said. His idea wasn't going to be dismissed. It was going to be considered, at least.

"Hmm," she said thoughtfully after a long silence. "You know, you might be onto something there. Now that you've said it, I can see your point about where the Wildcat money is. No doubt people would want to see her against Clem, and against Hailey given their history. I'm going to think on it. It's so good to get input from you, Jay. Thank you."

"It's good to be able to help. Or try to," he said happily.

Erin moved closer and gave him a kiss. "Want to have a drink and fool around?"

"How about having a drink and making a start on the wedding planning? Then we can fool around."

Erin gave him one of those impossibly beautiful smiles. "That's a plan and a half."


A few days later, Jay had taken the WWE private jet down to Orlando. The fact that he was getting used to travelling like that made him a little uneasy. Erin's lifestyle was becoming his lifestyle. He supposed that had been inevitable from the moment their relationship had gotten serious.

Today was the day he was visiting Clementine and Alexa. The agenda involved talking at length about Clem's character changes and future creative direction, followed by dinner, followed by spending the night at their house. He had expected to be dreading it more than he was, so far. That was another sign of his newly-increased confidence, he realised.

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