Chapter 52

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Sensational breaking news today out of New York. Contract renewal negotiations between WWE and one of their biggest stars, Clementine Everett, have broken down. According to people familiar with the talks, Clementine sited inequality of pay between WWE's male and female rosters as well as well-publicised misogynistic behaviour from multiple people high up within the company as reasons for her decision. Clementine is expected to continue performing for WWE until her current deal expires at the end of January...

Erin stopped reading and looked up from her phone. She had seen enough. Her blood was boiling. How had her dad and the idiot Brian Kelton who ran the talent relations department managed to get WWE into a situation where the best female wrestler in the world was going to walk away from the company rather than sign a new contract?

Erin seethed more and more as she continued to think about it. Clementine absolutely loved performing, and although her character was such that she hardly ever showed it on screen, she adored her fans. Something had to be really wrong for her to want to leave. Kelton had to have said or done something stupid, she deduced. Erin had always disliked the man. Frankly, she considered him an asshole, and totally unfit for the position he held. He was only there because he and Hank went back a long way together.

"What are you going to do, Erin?" Jay asked. He was sitting on the edge of his poolside chair, looking at her.

Raquel was looking at each of them in turn, probably wondering what Jay expected her to do. After all, she didn't know that Erin would soon own WWE.

"I'm going to make a call," Erin said angrily, getting up and heading back into the house for some privacy. The number she called was her dad's. Walking into Zelina and Raquel's living room, she made no attempt to reign herself in when Hank answered his phone.

"Hey, Erin."

"Could you and that clown Kelton at least try not to burn WWE to the fucking ground before I take it over? Like, at least make a bit of an effort?" she raged at him. All of the stress of the past week came spewing out, and he got both barrels of it.

"Erin, calm down," Hank said, too surprised to be angry at her for swearing at him, which she would usually never do. "What's this about?"

"What do you think it's about?" Erin snapped. "Kelton has gone and lost us Clementine. You know, the person I've built the entire women's division around since I took charge of creative?"

"She asked for way too much money, Erin. And she was arrogant and inflexible."

"Oh, bull," Erin said dismissively, pacing around the room. "You're just repeating what Kelton told you to cover his ass. You know as well as I do Clem isn't like that. I'm going to have to step in and try to fix this. Give me the go ahead to negotiate with Clem myself. If I'm going to run the company I might as well make a start now."

Hank considered that for a moment. "Fine. If you want to try and re-sign Clementine, see what you can do. If you get a deal done, I'll give you authorisation to sign it on behalf of the company."

"Good," she said, and ended the call without thanking him. She was too angry for that. Before she could think about trying to go back to enjoying her vacation, there was another call she had to make. Calling Clementine was one thing. Whether the call would be taken was another.

After a few rings, Clementine did pick up, although she didn't exactly sound excited about speaking to Erin. "Hello, Erin."

"Clem. Listen, I don't know what's happened to make things go sideways, but I'd like to get together with you Monday and work it out, just me and you."

"I don't think there's much point," Clementine said after a moment. "I've reached the end of the road with this company and the awful people who run it. The way women are treated is appalling, and if it takes me leaving to make things blow up and lead to change, I figure that's the best thing I can do for the rest of the women in that locker room, and those who will follow us."

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