Chapter 21

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To Jay's disappointment, Hank had booked the women's rumble match as the night's main event, and the men's equivalent as the second match on the card. It had left him feeling like his big win, as enjoyable as it had been, might be seen as a bit of an afterthought by the end of show. What he had enjoyed most about it was when he had come back through the curtain and found Erin waiting there to congratulate him, along with some of the guys. Just seeing her so happy for him had made him feel on top of the world in a way that a wrestling match never could.

It seemed obvious that Hank wanted Raquel to be the big story of the night – fighting all the way from the number one spot to win, and closing out the show standing victorious. Jay was fighting something of an internal battle, trying to focus on feeling happy for his friend instead of sour due to his own disappointment. Happily, he wasn't doing a bad job of it.

"She's so good, Jay," Erin quietly said to him.

They were standing in the production area right behind the curtain, watching the women's rumble match on a large TV on the wall. Erin was referring to Raquel, who was currently the only competitor remaining in the match, of the fourteen who had entered so far. Raquel had eliminated eight of them herself, including Gabby Dawson, who had just been sent flying over the top rope to the floor.

"She's a tank, isn't she?" Jay replied. Watching his friend dominating in her career-defining match was great, and he liked that the crowd were getting behind her too. They seemed more than ready for a babyface turn from her, and they were going to get one.

The production area was full, with all of the women who were yet to enter the match standing around waiting their turn. Hank was over at the production desk supervising the TV broadcast, and a couple of road agents were trying their best to organise the match.

"Number fifteen coming up!" one of agents called out. He had a format in his hand to refer to. "Kim Burgess! You're up!"

Kim stepped forward, dressed in her usual correctional officer attire and carrying her nightstick.

"I'm next," Erin said to Jay. "Number sixteen."

He put an arm around her, glad that people were in the way so that Hank wasn't able to see them. "How are you feeling?"

She looked up at him and smiled. "Excited, actually. My nerves have gone. Not sure if that's good or bad."

"I'd say that's good," Jay said with a smile.

In the arena, the countdown of the final ten seconds to the next entrant began. The fans counted down along with the clock that appeared on the big screen. When it reached zero, the buzzer sounded and Kim's music hit. It was greeted with boos, as ever.

"I wish I could look as badass as her," Erin said, watching Kim walk through the curtain, twirling her nightstick menacingly.

"You're not doing too badly," Jay said. He liked the black jeans and black sweater look on her, even though it wasn't the kind of thing he would choose for ring attire.

Earlier in the show, there had been a backstage segment with Erin, Raquel and Kim. Erin had instructed Raquel to ensure that Kim won the rumble match, making it perfectly clear that as the boss that was the outcome she wanted to see. Raquel has just looked at them and walked off, not responding to the instruction.

When Kim entered the ring, the plan seemed to be on track, as Raquel didn't attempt to fight her. Kim started giving orders out, and the two women waited for the next entrant. The fans booed the fact that they were not going at it, considering it unsporting.

"The crowd is hot," Erin commented to Jay.

"They will be in a minute when you enter."

Erin competing in the match hadn't been announced ahead of time. For the fans, seeing her was going to be a total surprise. An unpleasant one.

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