Chapter 59

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"You've shot someone?" Erin asked Raquel Gonzalez, hoping that she somehow might have misheard.

"Yes. Z and I are in Houston. We came to visit my parents. Anyway, we went out for breakfast this morning. While we were eating, some little shit ran in waving a gun around, saying it was a robbery. He was a skinny little mess. A junkie, by the look of him. He pistol whipped a guy who worked at the diner in the face, threatened all of the customers, then threatened the woman behind the counter to give him the money. Said he was going to shoot her if she didn't do it fast."

"Damn. Sounds really scary," Erin said, imagining the scene as Raquel described it.

"It was, for most of the people there. For me, it was something I needed to step up and deal with before anyone else got hurt. As the little rat turned around to start menacing customers again, I drew my gun and double tapped him in the chest. I got up and quickly kicked his gun away, but he was already dead. Think he was before he hit the ground to be honest. Once I knew everyone was safe, I unloaded my gun, put it on a table and waited for the cops to arrive. Some of the customers left, but Z and I stayed and helped give first aid to the guy who took the gun to the face. Plus I needed to tell the cops what happened obviously."

"Very brave of you, Raquel. Since we're having this conversation, I assume they didn't arrest you?" Erin noticed that Jay, Hank and Mandy had all carried on eating, but they were listening to her end of the conversation.

"They did arrest me. They were polite about it, but they had to do it. I was arrested for a couple of hours while they interviewed me, confirmed my gun is legally owned and permitted, took statements from Z, the diner staff and some of the customers, and reviewed the CCTV footage. Luckily, it caught the whole incident in quite good quality. So, I was released without charge, and the sergeant shook my hand and thanked me for potentially saving some lives."

"As I said, you did do a very brave thing," Erin said. She meant it, but she did feel a bit conflicted. Yes, Raquel may have prevented the criminal from shooting someone. But in doing so, she herself had shot and killed someone. Erin didn't have military training, unlike Raquel. To her, killing someone seemed like a horrifying thing to even think about doing. Raquel didn't sound bothered about it at all. But maybe she was putting up something of a front, Erin wondered. "Are you sure you're okay? How's Z, too?"

"She's shook up a bit but she'll be fine. I'm fine too. I'll let you get back to your meal, Erin. Knew I had to report what happened as soon as I got the chance. Also, just so you know, TMZ or somebody already got hold of the CCTV video and it's blowing up on Twitter."

"Right," Erin said, grimacing. Having one of her top stars on video shooting and killing someone was going to be divisive among WWE's audience, one thing she absolutely did not want the company to be under her leadership. But she couldn't chastise Raquel for doing something heroic. There was also the fact that Raquel and Zelina were her friends, however that couldn't really be considered when work matters were being discussed. Right now, she was the boss and Raquel was the employee. It just felt odd.

"If either of you need anything, call me," was what she decided to say. "And if you have any media on to you trying to ask you questions, please make no comment."

"Understood. Talk to you soon."

"Bye, Raquel," Erin said, being careful not to call her mami. That felt like a tricky habit to break.

"What's happened?" Jay asked with obvious and understandable concern for his closest friend.

Erin repeated the story while tucking into the truly delicious roast dinner. Jay, Hank and Mandy all listened attentively.

"I'm going to call her when we get home. What a thing to have to do. And the cops showed up and arrested her. Unbelievable."

"I think they probably have to in a situation like that," Mandy said. "It's probably treated as suspected murder or something until they investigate it. Thankfully it was a simple investigation in this case."

"Good call telling her to keep her mouth shut around the media," Hank said to Erin. "There's a big possibility of a PR disaster with something like that these days, with how pathetic most people are on social media. Not too long ago, I'd have changed Raquel's character to a cowgirl and had her talking about shooting people. You've got good instincts, Erin."

"Thanks, dad," Erin said, feeling warm inside because of her dad's praise, and ignoring his attempt at humour. She wondered what his reaction would be when her first action in charge was to fire Brian Kelton, who had worked for Hank for many years, and was someone he considered a friend. Time would soon tell.


"Jesus Christ, she did it so calmly," Jay said. He and Erin were back at Eagle's Nest that evening, after what Erin had to admit had been a nice time with her dad and with Mandy. Staggeringly, the ice between them was starting to thaw. Jay had the CCTV footage of Raquel shooting the armed robber to death loaded up on his phone. Having now watched it several times, Erin was still shocked by it.

"That guy really was going crazy. Out of his mind on drugs by the look of him. Look at that old couple sitting near Z and Raquel, they're terrified."

"So is Z, I think. You can see Raquel telling her it's okay and to sit still. Then she whips out her gun and..."

"She drops him," Erin said as they watched it again. Raquel then got up, walked over to the dead guy and kicked his gun away, just how she had described on the phone. She had dealt with the guy with military precision. "There's always been something about her that scares me a bit. That's it, right there."

"Just remember she's our friend. She did something heroic and traumatic today. We need to be there for her, and you need to be there for her as her boss, too. You did a good job of dealing with the situation earlier as her boss. That really can't be easy."

"It's not," Erin assured him. "Thank you for saying that. It's the part of my new job I'm dreading the most. What if I have to call Raquel to the office one day and fire her? Or Z?"

Jay grimaced, but he took her hand and gave it a supportive squeeze. "If you had to, you'd manage it. You're strong enough to do anything. And I do mean anything."

"Oh, Jay," Erin said, feeling suddenly emotional, such was the love and support he always showed her. She embraced him, needing a few moments in his arms. "I can only do it because I have you. My rock. You make it possible, and you make it worth doing. I love you."

Jay tightened his hug for a moment – one of the things he tended to do when he failed to find words for what he wanted to say. "Love you too, honey," was all he could manage. It was all Erin needed. Well, actually, it wasn't.

"You know what? I really need sex," she breathed into his ear.

"Need it?" he asked, emphasising the first word.

"Need it," she confirmed, before starting to kiss him.

"I could never deny you in an hour of need," Jay said in between their kisses. "Let's go to the bedroom."

"Let's not," Erin said, already unbuttoning his pants.

"You're the boss," Jay obviously enjoyed saying.


A/N: It's been a long time coming, but the day Erin takes over WWE is almost at hand. With some of her employees shooting people and refusing to sign new contracts, her life isn't being made easy. How do you think she will manage once the decisions are all hers to make?

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