Chapter 5

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"Y/N if you don't hurry up we'll be late!" Dustin yells as he bangs on your bedroom door.
You open your eyes, sleepily searching for the alarm clock on your bedside table.
It was 7:45, you had to leave for school 5 minutes ago.
"Shit shit shit!" You shout as you rush to get ready, grabbing your bag and books and throwing open your door, scaring the crap out of Dustin.

You run downstairs, grabbing a slice of toast from the table, giving Mom a quick kiss on the cheek and then hauling ass out of the door and into your car, Dustin rushing behind to keep up with you. You hit the gas before Dustin has even closed the car door.

"Where were you last night? I had to tell mom you'd gone to bed sick so she wouldn't check on you"
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. You couldn't tell Dustin you'd been at Eddies all night, you worried he would feel awkward around him and you didn't want to ruin something he loved so much by making him feel weird being around Eddie.

"I was just out and lost track of time, that's all. I'm sorry you had to lie to mom, I promise it won't happen again Dustbin"

Dustin eyes you suspiciously but doesn't probe any further. The rest of the journey passes in silence, pulling into school Dustin can't get out of the car quick enough.
As you both walk towards school he spots Mike and walks off, not before shouting "Nice shirt by the way"

You look down and remember you'd fallen asleep in the shirt Eddie gave you, there was no way Dustin believed you were with anyone else other than Eddie.


All morning you were distracted with memories of the night before. Tiredness mixed with how Dustin had been with you made it feel sordid. Neither of you had done anything wrong so why did you feel like you were the worst sister in the world?

The welcome relief of the bell, signalling lunchtime, comes. You curse to yourself when you remember, in your rush to leave, you didn't bring lunch. You were going to have to brave the cafeteria. Which meant seeing Eddie while he was with Dustin.

The cafeteria was buzzing with life. Mixed conversations filled your ears, something that made you instantly on edge.
You look around the room, hoping none of the Hellfire Club were here. No such luck.

As your eyes fall on their table, Eddie makes direct eye contact with you and beckons you over.
It would look weird if you didn't go, you didn't want him to think he'd done anything wrong. Last night was perfect, ended too soon but perfect, the thought of him thinking it was less than that made your stomach hurt.

Taking a deep breath, you walk over to the table, putting on a breezy demeanour.

Nothings wrong Y/N. Nothings wrong you say to yourself over and over.

"Hey Y/N, finally one of us!" One of the other guys you're less familiar with says, gesturing towards your shirt.
"You look tired, did you not get much sleep?" Eddie asks, winking at you.
You glance at Dustin. He looks angry, almost like he could cry.

This was exactly what you didn't want.

"This? Yeah Dustin gave it to me. I was in a rush this morning and it was the first top I saw, didn't have much choice" you lie.
Dustins face softens, you think he believes you but there's a gnawing feeling in your stomach.

Suddenly you're not so hungry anymore.


Last class of the day always dragged but today seemed so much worse. You just wanted to get home and sleep.
Trying to listen was proving difficult, all you wanted to do was close your eyes.

Your attention is drawn to the door. Through the window you see Eddie trying to get your attention. Once you spot him he motions to you to come to him. You shake your head, there was no way you were getting in trouble this close to home time, the last thing you wanted was detention.
He makes a begging gesture with his hands and mouths pleeeeease.

"Miss can I be excused, I'm not feeling too good?" You ask, putting on the best sick voice you can.
She motions towards the door, signalling you to leave without further disruption. Suddenly you were grateful you looked tired.

Eddie pumps the air dramatically when he sees you coming. Once outside he grabs your arm and pulls you down the hall until he finds an empty room.
He pulls you in and locks the door, pushes you against the wall and kisses you, more passionately than you've ever been kissed before. You return the kiss, sinking into him completely. Then Dustins face this morning creeps into your mind, the gnawing in your stomach returns and a flood of doubt flows through you.

You push Eddie away. "Eddie stop, we can't. We can't do this" you sigh.
He looks confused. "What? Why? What's changed?" He splutters.
You run your fingers through your hair, trying to find the right words.
"It's Dustin. He knew I lied to him this morning about where I was, he knows I was with you and he looked so hurt. I can't ruin something good in his life, he looks up to you, he idolises you. I cant have him feel weird around you" you say, trying to control your emotions and failing, tears starting to fall from your eyes.

Eddie nods, trying to process this.
"So that's it? Last night never happened and we forget this whole thing?" He sounds annoyed.
You nod a response. Not daring to speak.

He closes the distance between you and takes your head in his hands, holding your face up to look at him.
"Princess is this really what you want?"
Looking into his big dark eyes, you know you can't lie. Even if you did he would see right through it.
You shake your head. "No, but I can't hurt Dustin"

Eddie nods again, leaning down to kiss you softly.
"Then I can't argue. See you around Princess" he says, walking out of the empty room.

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