Chapter 2

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Thankfully the rest of the group led the charge. Dustin was sneakily helping you when needed but you seemed to remember bits from the time you played before and that seemed to get you through. No embarrassment or hoping for the ground to swallow you whole, you tried to look nonchalant but the relief was indescribable.

"The cult is defeated, the leader breathing his last breath. Leaving behind treasure chests of gold and jewels, all yours for the taking!" Eddie finally roars triumphantly, causing a chorus of cheers and whoops from the guys around the table.
You allow a small grin, it's quite cute how excited Dustin gets at this, you realise it's been a while since you got excited at... well literally anything.

"And our damsel? Did she enjoy the adventure?" Eddie asks.

Oh shit, did he think I was smiling because I enjoyed this?

"I can honestly say I've never had so much fun in all my life" you respond, as deadpan and insincere as you can muster. "Dustin, Mike let's go"
You stand, Dustin and Mike follow suit reluctantly.
"Eddie is it ok to swing by tomorrow? I'm running low"
Eddie nods, you realise his eyes haven't left you since he asked if you enjoyed the game. "It would be my pleasure... princess"

You roll your eyes to hide the way your stomach dropped at his use of that word. Dustin had once made fun of you for the nickname your mom calls you in front of Eddie, causing you to push Dustin so hard he fell over a trashcan in the cafeteria, hence Dustins nickname of Dustbin. Eddie had found this hysterical and took to calling you Princess whenever he could, knowing you wouldn't dare touch him for doing it.

You nod a goodbye to the others and practically drag Mike and Dustin out by their collars for making you come here.


You hated coming to Eddies to collect but you couldn't risk meeting anywhere else. You didn't know anyone else in this trailer park, apart from Dustins friend, Max, but she was too wrapped up in her own head since her brother died, you knew she wouldn't give a shit about you buying drugs. There was no-one else here to squeal on you to Mom. No-one had even threatened to apart from Dustin. That's what happens in this town, the burn outs are left to, well, burn out.

You knock twice, then once, then three times. Eddies secret knock to be sure it isn't a narc or someone asking for rent.
The door swings open suddenly, revealing Eddie with his arms open, seemingly inviting you in.
"Y/N! Come on in!" He says, cheerily.
"You... you want me to come in? Why?"
He laughs "you're one of us now! One of the Hellfire Club. Me casa is su casa!"

You can't help the horrified look on your face. "I am not one of you. I filled in once for Lucas because Dustbin blackmailed me"

Eddie grabs your hand and pulls you into the trailer. Guess you were coming inside then...

"Doesn't matter how you got here, all that matters is that you did" he quips before disappearing into his room, his usual hiding place for his stash.

You glance around the trailer. It was tidy, yet still messy. It smelt clean but didn't look it. Typical boys place, you think. You knew Eddie lived with his Uncle but you'd only ever seen him a handful of times. Eddie was pretty much left to his own devices, the thought makes you pang with longing, you were jealous.
"Eddie I really have to get going, are you done?"
A couple of minutes later Eddie appears holding a small baggy, he throws it to you. It feels heavier than usual.
"I've only got $20 on me, I didn't ask for double?"
"Well Y/N, it looks like Sinclair has dropped out of our next game too. Basketball is going to be the death of society I'm telling you! So how's about you fill in again? Call the extra weed a payment?"

Not this shit again. Blackmailed and now bribed.

"Eddie I am not a D&D player. I don't enjoy it, I barely even like being around people let alone a room full of nerds"
"Fine. No free drugs for you!" He reaches for the bag but you pull away suddenly.
You aren't in a position to be passing up something for free that you'd happily pay for anyway. One more night wouldn't hurt, would it?

"For fuck sake. Ok fine. ONE more time"

Eddie claps his hands gleefully, an incredibly cute smile spreading across his face.

"Amazing! See you next week then Y/N" he grins as he opens the door for you.
As you walk towards your car, something inside tells you to turn around. You see Eddie leaning against his door frame, watching you walk away. His face looks hungry and lustful.

Eddie? Surely he can't have a crush on me? It's Eddie, he hates everyone...

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now