Chapter 34- Final Chapter

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3 Weeks Later

"Y/N wake up, breakfasts almost ready" Dustin shouts as he bangs on your bedroom door.
You stir and lay your arm across the bed but just feel empty space.

Where is he?

You wrap a blanket around your shoulders and make your way down stairs sleepily and into the kitchen.

Is that... Judas Priest?

You look around the kitchen and see Mom at the stove, frying bacon and eggs while Eddie stands at the counter buttering toast.

He's helping mom make breakfast... and they're listening to Judas Priest

A warm feeling sits in your stomach as you sit at the table and watch him sing along to the cassette tape, then a look of confusion as your Mom joins in. You look at Dustin who looks just as perplexed.

Eddie had moved in with you after his name was cleared. After the battle at the town hall, people had realised that it couldn't have been Eddie. They'd seen with their own eyes what Vecna could do, that the bodies in front of them were identical to the ones Eddie was accused of killing.

A few people still believed Eddie was the one to blame, you still got occasional stares and whispers in town but the most important part was that Eddie was no longer a suspect. He was free and you were both starting to plan a future.

Your arm would take another couple of months to heal so anything was on hold until then but Eddie had brought a camper van which he was decking out with his Uncle and you both planned on travelling, seeing more of America.

Hawkins had returned to its sleepy little reputation since Vecna and the government had quickly dealt with any trace of the Upside Down.

Eddie and your Mom sit at the table with you and Dustin. Eddie kisses your forehead before digging into the bacon and eggs in front of him.

"Oh Dustin, I've been meaning to talk to you" he says, a mouth full of food.
Your mom gives him a stern look and he apologises, swallowing the mouthful before continuing.
"I'm handing Hellfire Club over to you" he blurts out.
Dustin almost chokes on his breakfast.
"Me?! Are you sure?!" He croaks.
Eddie nods "There's no-one else I'd trust more. We've got a couple of months before sick note here is fully operational-" You throw toast at him for the insult. "-So I can teach you anything you need to know to DM. But she's yours"

Dustin can't get the grin off his face and neither can you. It made your heart burst to see him so proud of himself.
As Eddie finishes breakfast he turns to you and kisses your cheek softly "I love seeing you so happy" he whispers in your ear.
You smile wider "and I love you Eddie Munson" you say back.
"I love you too Princess" he grins before getting up and taking your plate.

As you watch Eddie help your Mom with the washing up you finally allow yourself to look forward to the future.

You and Eddie against the world.

The End

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