Chapter 4

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"So, Eddie" you slide back onto his bed, leaning against his pillows. None of which were comfy but you could feel your head getting heavy and needed to lean against something "what do you plan to do if you actually graduate this year" you tease.
He flips you off and rises from the bean bag. He takes his guitar from the wall and sits back down. Strumming it absentmindedly, quiet notes coming from the amp on the floor.
"WHEN I graduate this year, I'm getting the hell out of this town and I'm gonna make something of myself. Start a band, get big and write songs about what dickholes everyone at Hawkins High are. I'm too good for this town, that's why everyone hates me"

You laugh "Eddie people don't hate you, they're scared of you. You dress like a rockstar, you smoke and drink, you use and sell drugs and you've been held back, what, like 3 years now? You've not done anything for them to hate you, but everything for them to be wary of you"

He looks up from his guitar, tilting his head to the side. "Are you scared of me Y/N?" He asks, his voice deeper and huskier than usual.

Your stomach flips with excitement.

You shake your head "if I was scared of you I wouldn't be sat on your bed high and tipsy would I?"

He nods a response, good point well made, and goes back to strumming his pride and joy.
You watch him, he looks so relaxed. Almost peaceful. It looked so natural for him to be playing it, like an extension of him. You wished the rest of the town could see this Eddie. The side you see now was a world away from the image he emitted to everyone, you wanted them to see passionate, determined, animated and fun Eddie. The real Eddie.

"What about you? What do you want to do with your life Princess?" He asks, breaking a silence you weren't even aware was there.

You hated this question because you truly didn't know.
"All I know is I want to get out of Hawkins. It's a dead town full of dead people and I don't want to end up one of them. Maybe I'll go to New York, California, Florida. I don't know. Anywhere but here"

His face lights up "Why don't you come and join my band?! We can yell 'fuck everyone' together!"
"Great idea, but I can't sing and I can't play any instruments"
"You never wanted to learn?"
"No I did, guitar actually, but mom could never afford lessons so it never happened"

Eddie gets up and sits on the end of the bed, handing you his guitar. His most treasured possession.
"I can teach you. Take her"
You shake your head, you couldn't handle the pressure of holding something so valuable to him.
"Go on Y/N, she won't break I promise"
Reluctantly you scoot down the bed, sitting next to him on the end. You take the guitar and plectrum and place the instrument in your lap. Eddie takes your hand and places your fingers on your left hand in an awkward position on the fret board.
"Now strum"

You stroke the plectrum down the strings and the most god awful noise comes out of the amp next to you.
"Wow. Guess I'm not the prodigy I thought I would be" you laugh, kind of disappointed you weren't instantly amazing.

"It's ok, it takes practice. We can't all be James Hetfield straight away Princess" he grins.
He moves your fingers into a different position, once again you stroke down the strings and an even worse noise come out.
Eddie sighs "ok, let's try this a different way. I'll guide your hands, you're holding her very awkwardly and it isn't making it easy for you"
Eddie shifts and sits behind you, his legs around you, his body pressed to your back. He places his hands on yours and guides them into position. He was right, your hands weren't in the right place at all. This time when you pluck the strings a genuine note comes out and you smile, looking over your shoulder at him.

It's then you truly realise how close you both are. You can feel his heartbeat against your back. His whole body was pressed against you. You feel your breath start to catch, there's no way he can't feel it too. The room starts to get thick with tension again and it seems deathly quiet. As you look at each other his eyes move between your eyes and your lips. You turn away, desperately wanting the awkwardness to disappear. Instead you feel Eddies breath on your cheek and you feel his chest rise and fall faster against you. His lips connect with your neck and a shiver goes down your spine.
His mouth and tongue tease your skin, eliciting small gasps of excitement from you.
You feel the guitar slip from your lap as Eddie takes it and lays it down on the bed.
Your hands now free, you reach back and run your fingers through his hair and you feel him smile against your neck at the show of approval.

"You see princess" he whispers, removing your top and unhooking your bra and slipping it off your arms, his hands then reaching down and undoing your shorts "the key to playing an instrument is fingerwork. Once you get the fingering right" he pushes his hand into your shorts and panties, finding your clit instantly "you can make anything sing for you"

Your whole body shudders as he makes slow, consistent circles on your sensitive nub and you sink back against him, jolts of pleasure pulsing through you as he expertly teases you. His finger explores further down your folds, eventually finding your tight wet opening and slips two fingers into you
"Already so wet princess" he growls into your ear.
"It's all you Eddie" you gasp.

His fingers delve deep into you, drawing back out, then back in again, low gasps of appreciation ring in his ear as your body surrenders to him completely. His other hand wraps around your throat, holding you firmly in place as he amps up the pace of his hand, your gasps turning to soft moans. He groans softly as the sounds and feel of you make his cock so hard it aches.

He presses against you, letting you feel how excited this is making him. You reach down and rub his cock through his jeans. You could already feel how big it was, bigger than you expected.

"Fuck, princess" he groans.

You remove his hand from your shorts and slide down onto your knees. He leans back on his arms, not before sucking his fingers clean, and lets you undo his belt and jeans. In a few short moves his thick cock is waiting for you. You look up into his eyes as you lower your mouth onto the head, wrapping your lips around it and licking the pre-cum from the tip. His mouth falls open as he gasps in appreciation. You allow him further into your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. He places his hand on the back of your head and grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back and then guiding it back down slowly. You suck softly at first as he moves your head slowly, gradually gaining speed as he does. Both of you working in perfect unison on his pleasure.

How many people have you let face fuck you you think and yet letting Eddie do it is getting you off as much as he is

"I'm close Y/N" he grunts "please don't stop"

You let your tongue join in the action, applying pressure along the bottom of his length along with the expert suction you're applying to his entire cock now.

Within minutes you feel his fist clench harder on your hair as he groans your name. Your actual name this time. His cock flinches and he releases his load into your eager mouth. You hold eye contact with him as you swallow every last drop he has to offer.

He pulls you up by your arms and on top of him, holding your face in his hands as he kisses you, deeply. Your legs straddling him as you grind your hips against his, he's had his, surely it was your turn now?

Suddenly he rolls you over and pins you down on the bed, pushing your legs apart with his.
His lips find your neck once more as his hand cups your breast, travelling down your body agonisingly slowly. It was in that moment the clock on the wall caught your eye.

It was 3am.

"Shit! Eddie I have to go!" You push him away, jumping off the bed and scrambling to find your bra and top.
"Y/N chill, just stay here tonight!" Eddie says, the desperation in his voice almost stops you but you know your Mom will be home by now, probably for hours. If she hasn't already noticed you're not home then she will in the morning when you aren't there to take Dustin to school. If you're lucky she went straight to bed without checking on you.
"I can't! My mom will have a fit if I stay out all night!"
Eddie gets off the bed, finds the Hellfire shirt you were wearing and hands it to you.
"I'll find your other shirt, put this on for now"

You stop rushing and take the top, taking a moment to look at him. Everything had changed tonight, you knew it and the look in his eye let's you know he knows it too.
You kiss him on the cheek and quickly rush out the trailer, ready to face whatever might be waiting when you get home.


Parking down the street to be safe, you walk up to your house and breathe a sigh of relief when you see all the lights are off. You successfully creep in and up to your room, closing your door silently behind you.
It was now you realise how tired you are, not even taking the time to get undressed, you slump down on your bed and smile to yourself. Remembering everything that had happened tonight, it gave you a warm feeling.
Falling asleep easily, you completely forget to set your alarm...

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