Chapter 1

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"Absolutely not. No"
"Y/N Please! Lucas has bailed on us again and Eddie will be so mad if we're a player short. No-one else wants to come, you're my last hope!"
"Dustin no, I'm not joining your stupid game, now get out of my room!"
Dustin stands by your door, hands in his pockets, a determined yet desperate expression on his face. You can feel him staring at you as you lie on your bed, eyes closed, hoping he'll get bored and just leave.
"I promise you won't even need to do much and you already have a character, remember? I created it for your birthday?"

You roll your eyes at the memory, being presented with a sheet of paper containing numbers and words that you didn't recognise and didn't particularly want to try and learn. Your very own D&D character. You'd played with him and his friends once, Coerced by your mom to keep Dustin happy but it wasn't particularly fun. Plus the thought of playing with your weed dealer  that you've always had a crush on made you cringe.

"I don't even know where it is and I don't really want to find it, now go away!" He's annoying you now, this was your time to get high and relax while your mom was at work, Dustin was definitely ruining that. You turn the cassette player up as loud as you can, Judas Priest blasting out of the speakers and drowning Dustin out.
He storms into your room, dodging the piles of clothes, VHS tapes and magazines and turns the tape off.

"Ok Y/N, I didn't want to have to do this. If you don't come with me I'll tell mom you're smoking weed"

Your eyes fly open, Dustin flinches at the fury spread across your face. You sit up and throw your legs over the edge of your bed, your face now inches from his.
"You have 10 seconds to apologise, take that back and fuck off or I'll punch you so hard you'll miss the next 2 months of your stupid game, unless your gang want to play in hospital"

Dustin straightens up and stays silent. He wasn't backing down. If mom found out you're smoking weed again she was sure to kick you out. The little shit knew he had you backed into a corner.

"Dustin you cannot tell mom!" You yell.

"Well, come and play tonight and she won't find out" he grins.

Fucking asshole

You rub the bridge of your nose, you can already feel a headache coming on.

"Fine! I'll join your band of merry virgins tonight but don't you ever ask me for another favour again Dustbin"

Dustin breathes a sigh of relief, ignoring the nickname he hates, he won't be the cause of Eddies temper tonight.
"I'll let you get changed, leave in half an hour?" He yells as he bounds out of your room.

Changed? How fucking rude. If anything you dressed like you'd fit in perfectly. You lived in band t shirts, ripped jeans, cut off denim shorts and converse. What did Dustin expect you to wear, a full wizards outfit?

A t shirt comes flying into your room, landing at your feet. You recognise the white top with black sleeves and you realise what he was getting at.
"Fuck off Dustin I'm not wearing one of those stupid tops!"


Dustin was practically vibrating with excitement from the minute you left the house, he'd even taken it upon himself to write out your character sheet again using the notes he kept from last time while he waited for you to get ready to leave. Mike was just as annoying as soon as you picked him up, asking 1000 questions about your character that Dustin was answering, if it wasn't that, he was talking about seeing Eleven soon. They both took the hint when you turned the radio up so loud the seats vibrated.

The journey to school was only 20 minutes but it seemed shorter tonight, maybe because you were truly not looking forward to this. You didn't want to look like an idiot in front of Eddie and tonight would have been a minefield of opportunity for that to happen. Parking up and staring at the looming school was bad enough during the day, tonight it was soul destroying.
Making your way down the halls you hear a group of voices, all male, talking loudly and laughing.

The room falls silent as the three of you enter, all eyes falling on you in particular. You started to wonder if a girl had even dared try and play with them.

It's going to be a long fucking night.

"Henderson! Wheeler! Girl Henderson!" A loud voice shouts. Eddie Munson stands and walks over to you. Ruffling Mike and Dustins hair before making a grand gesture of bowing to you, the other guys laughing at the bewildered expression on your face at the cringeworthy action.
Eddie takes your hand and kisses it, his big dark eyes looking into yours.
"How nice to have a fair maiden accompany us tonight" he grins.

You were having a hard time connecting the guy in front of you now to the Eddie you were more fond of. He had been your dealer for months now, he was reliable, quick to deal with and always had the best stuff. Yet here he was talking to you like a medieval knight, and you kind of liked it.

"Boys, looks like Lucas has abandoned us again, Y/N will be taking his place, definitely a far better looking option" he winks at you.

You feel a small flutter in your stomach and you hope your face didn't give it away.

God that was sexy

It was definitely going to be a long night...

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