Chapter 18

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Eddie had spent the last few weeks working really hard. You spent most of your evenings helping him with his homework, studying and making sure his work was organised and ready.

The pay off was incredible. His grades were getting better and his mood had lifted. The life you both wanted seemed so close, it wasn't long until graduation and maybe, just maybe, this year was his year.

Class of '86 baby

"So, I've got no homework tonight, no tests to study for and everything else is organised. The night is ours princess!" Eddie grins "but I do have something to show you"

He goes into his bag and pulls out his English essay, the one he did on LOTR. He hands it to you and in the top corner, circled in red, was an A-.

You leap off the couch and wrap your arms and legs around him. He grips your waist and hugs you tightly "I couldn't have done it without you"

You pull your head back to look at him, he looked so proud of himself, and you were insanely proud of him.

"Let's do something fun tonight" you say.
"Oh, I know what we could do..." he replies cryptically.
He puts you down and takes your hand.
"Where are we going?" You ask as he drags you out of the trailer and into his van.
"It's a surprise" he winks


A 20 minute ride and a million questions from you later and you pull up into the arcade parking lot. You clap your hands excitedly. It had been ages since you've been, not since that first run in with Jason. You were buzzing with excitement.

You spent hours beating him at the arcade machines, eating hot dogs, and winning Eddie prizes... which he hated.
"I want to win stuff for you!" He whined.
"Well get better at the games then you can" you tease.

He slaps your ass playfully, making you squeal.
"Come on, it's late, we should probably get back. We've got school tomorrow" he winks.
"Wow, who is this Eddie Munson?" You laugh.

As you leave you see the rain, torrential and cold.
"Shit. I don't have a jacket" you whine.
"Come on, we'll run for it" Eddie says, grabbing your hand and pulling you out into the wet.

You race across the almost empty parking lot towards Eddies van. As you reach it he pulls you round and into him, holding your waist as he leans down to kiss you. Rain soaking through both of you as your lips and tongues lock together.
He pushes you against the side of the van as his hands grope your ass. He leans into your ear and whispers "Maybe you shouldn't have worn a white top and no bra"
You slap his chest playfully and push him away from you. You climb in his van and search for anything you can dry yourself off with.

Eddie climbs in next to you and starts the engine.
"Wait until I get you home Princess, you'll know what wet is then" he growls.

You take this opportunity to torment him further. You slip your wet top off and wriggle out of your jeans. You lean against the van door as he drives and slip your panties to the side, stroking your index finger down your slit, brushing it over your clit. He side eyes you as he drives, trying desperately to keep his eyes on the road but not wanting to take his eyes off you.

Your fingers move down to your opening, slipping two of them inside you and letting out a deep moan.
He bites his lip in frustration "Princess you need to stop or we'll crash"
You ignore him, drawing your fingers in and out of you as your other hand circles your clit.
"Fuck, Eddie, this feels so good" you groan.

His hands grip the steering wheel harder as the van accelerates, he was speeding to get home.

As you reach the trailer park you search for your clothes.
"Oh no Princess" he says as he parks up "You want to be a cocktease, you're going to the trailer like that"
You protest but he climbs out the van and round to the passenger side quicker than you can say anything more. He opens the door and throws you over his shoulder.
You feel the rain slap against your wet skin as he fireman carries you in, your naked body exposed to the elements, and throws you on the couch as soon as you get inside.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now