Chapter 19

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The next morning you wake up before the alarm and feel like you've been hit by a bus. Your head is pounding, you're throat feels dry and you can't breathe out of your nose. You sit up in bed and the room starts to spin around you.

Ah fuck, I've got flu or something. Probably from last night.

Eddie wakes up a few moments later. As he adjusts to being awake he sees you sitting up.
"Princess you don't look too good" he says, sitting up with you.
You shake your head and instantly regret it when you feel your brain rattling inside your skull.
"I feel like shit" you sniff.
"Well you're not going to school like this, shall we stay here today?"
"no we need to get Dustin to school and you can't skip. If you take me home are you ok to take Dustin?"
"Yeah of course. Let me get ready and we'll go"

An hour or so later you're in Eddies van and on your way home.
As you park up, Eddie gets out and runs to your side to help you out, holding onto your waist. As you both walk up to the house you start to panic. Eddie had never met your mom before and you weren't feeling well enough for it to happen now.
"Eddie you can't come in" you croak, your throat scratching with ever word.
"I'm not letting you go" he says.
As you enter the house Dustin is already at the table eating lunch. He drops his spoon into his cereal when he sees Eddie come in with you.

"Henderson, your sisters sick so she's staying here and I'm taking you to school. You almost ready?"
Dustin nods.
Your mom rushes to you from the kitchen, fussing over you when she sees how pale you are.

"Mom it's just a cold. Relax!"
She notices Eddie next to you and eyes him suspiciously, looking him up and down.
"I take it this is the boyfriend?" She says.
You roll your eyes "yes mom, this is Eddie. Eddie, this is mom"
Eddie holds his hand out "Nice to meet you" he says with his infectious grin.
She shakes his hand cautiously then turns her attention back to you.
"What's wrong? Do you need anything? I'm doing a double shift today but I can call out" she says.
"Mom it's just a cold. I just need to go to bed, please, I'm fine" you soothe, trying to hide how much it hurt to speak.

She finally backs away, eyes Eddie one more time "it was nice to finally meet you Eddie, Dustin talks about you a lot"
"Mom!" Dustin yells, putting his head in his hands.
Eddie grins "Oh really? All good I hope" he teases.
"Mostly, he really enjoys your little game. I think it's the highlight of his week"
Dustin scrambles to grab his bag and books and rushes towards Eddie.
"I'm ready let's go!" He says as he rushes out the door, trying to get away before mom says anything else embarrassing.

Eddie smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
"I'll come and see you later Princess. I hope you feel better, love you" he whispers.
You smile back at him "I love you too"
He smiles and nods at your mom "See you Mrs Henderson" and he leaves, him and a very embarrassed Dustin heading off to school without you.


You wake up, a loud noise startling you from your sleep. You open your eyes and realise it's dark, had you been asleep all day?
You hear the noise again and again. Someone's throwing stones at your window.
You get up, your body aching, and head to the window. You look into tour garden and see Eddie. He has a panicked look on his face.

You open your window and lean out "What are you doing? What's wrong?"
"Princess let me in, please" he says, his voice shaky.
You close the window and run down to the front door, he's already run round to meet you. He pushes past you and into the empty house, his fingers in his hair as he starts pacing across the floor.

"Eddie, what's happened?" All your sickness vanishes as adrenaline takes over. He looks terrified and worried.
"It's... I can't... I-" he splutters.

You walk over to him and take his hands, he sits on the stairs and looks into your eyes.
His are wider than usual, fearful and traumatised.
"Eddie, you need to tell me what's happened"
"I... I was with Chrissy. She... she wanted to buy some weed but then she said she wanted something stronger so we went back to mine and-"
Your heart hammers in your chest. Any way this story ends isn't going to be good.
"Chrissy Cunningham? The head cheerleader? Buying drugs?" You ask.
He nods "Yeah... she... I couldn't find what she wanted so I left her alone but she was calling for me, I ignored her. But when I went back into the living room she... she was levitating"

What the fuck

"Levitating? Eddie are you sure you're not sick too" you say as you press your hand against his forehead
"I promise I'm not sick!" He yells "She was like 2 feet from the floor! She wasn't reacting, I kept calling her name, trying to get her to say something but she was just... like she'd been... possessed or something I don't know"
Tears are streaming down his face. Your heart hammers harder.
"What happened Eddie? Is Chrissy ok?"
He looks at the floor and shakes his head, his body wracking with sobs.
"Eddie is she dead?" You ask, your voice catching slightly, hardly believing you're asking this question.

He nods.

"She... her... her arms and legs just like snapped... like something was breaking them... then she... flew up against the ceiling. Blood was coming out of her eyes and... I ran. I just ran"

You try and process this. None of it made sense but you'd never seen Eddie like this before.

"Where is she now?"
"At my trailer still... i... I just ran here. To you. I didn't know what else to do"

You wrap your arms around him and he hugs your waist tight, tighter than he ever has before.

"Eddie we need to call the police" you whisper.
"And tell them what? Do you know how this looks? People don't just levitate then get pulled apart. They'll never believe me!"

You kneel down in front of him and push his chin up to face you.
"Eddie you didn't do anything. You're innocent"
He stands up and starts to pace again.
"I need to go, I need to run. I can't stay here, they'll find me and lock me up"

You start to panic, he can't leave you.
"Well... well then I'll come too! I can't lose you Eddie!" you cry, your own tears now falling.

He looks at you and closes the distance, holding your face in his hands. The cool metal of his rings soothed your burning cheeks.

"Princess I can't pull you into this. I couldn't forgive myself. I will come back for you, once this all dies down I will come back and we'll go somewhere, anywhere. I promise" he says before he kisses you. Deeply and passionately. Like it's the last time.

"Eddie please, no" you sob. Your world crashing down around you.
"Princess I promise. This is the last time I run. Once the heats gone we will be together again. I love you, with everything I am. I love you so so much. Please wait for me" he says before he leaves, you watching him leave the house, barely processing what's just happened.

Your heart tears in two as you realise you don't know when you'll see him again.

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