Chapter 27

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"What's the theory?" Eddie asks.
You tell him everything. Dustin finding the book, what it says about Kas, how it looks with the quick healing and fangs.

"So, I'm becoming Kas the Bloody Handed?" He asks.
"Looks like it" you respond.
You wait for a reaction, this could go either way. He pauses and stares at his hands for a moment before looking up at you. He can see how on edge you are.

"Are you scared of me now?" He asks in a small voice.
You hadn't expected that response.
You shake your head "No Eddie, I could never be scared of you"
He nods, relieved this is the answer "Who else is involved?"
"Steve, he's sleeping on the couch in the other room now, Dustin and Robin. Nancy hasn't been back since she gave you first aid"
He nods and you see him swallow.
"Are they?"
"Scared? Confused I think is more the word. Steve didn't want to leave incase you woke up and you weren't... you"
"Why did you stay if that was a possibility?" He asks you.

You take his hand in yours "I lost you for 2 weeks. 2 of the worst weeks of my life. I wasn't going to miss out on a single minute, even if you woke up and slaughtered me"

He grips your hand and pulls you towards him lightening fast. He grips your waist as he holds you on top of him.
"Woah I think you might have some vampire strength there" you gasp as his grip feels tighter than usual around you.

He releases his grip and tucks your hair behind your ear before stroking your cheek with his thumb.

"No, just the strength of a man who missed his girl" he whispers, kissing you deeply.


The next morning you awake to Steve yelling.
"Get the FUCK away from me!"
You spring out of bed and into the living room. Steve is primed with his bat and ready to strike, Eddie is leaning against the wall holding his stomach as he cries with laughter.

"What is going on?!" You shout.
"He came out and fucking hissed at me!" Steve screams.
You glare at Eddie "really? Did you think that was funny? He could have killed you!"

Steve's eyes dart between you both as the adrenaline starts to fade.
"Wait... does he know?" He asks you.
You tell Steve everything that happened last night.

"Pretty cool right?!" Eddie says, flashing his fangs.
Steve offers a confused smile.
You go back into the bedroom and grab the walkie talkie.
"Dustin, Eddies awake. He knows everything. You guys need to get here"


"Do they hurt?" You ask, sat on the sofa pressing your finger against the tips of his new teeth.
He shakes his head "Not at all, they just feel a little bigger, that's all"
Steve sits across from you, watching the childish wonder on your face, still on edge from this morning, as you all wait for Dustin.

A moment later Dustin and Nancy come barrelling through the door. Dustin sees Eddie and throws himself onto him in a tight hug.
"Eddie I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he says over and over again.
Eddie looks at you, surprised, before wrapping his arms around Dustin.
"Hey it's ok man, you didn't know" he says.

You tell Nancy what she missed, the Kas theory, Eddie now having fangs and being practically healed, that you think that's why he was kept alive.
She checks over his wounds and pulls the bandages off one by one, each site that was bleeding a couple of days ago is now pink and healed.
" doesn't make sense" she whispers "how do you feel?" She asks him.
"Fine. No pain, no nothing" he grins.
"Do you feel like yourself or-"
"Like a blood thirsty creature of the night?" He finishes for her "No, I'm ok actually. I feel normal, well as normal as I ever was" he jokes.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now