Chapter 26

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"Shit shit shit shit" Dustin says as he paces the floor in the living room as you all watch him from the couch.
"What do we do? What if he wakes up and he isn't Eddie?" Robin says.
You shake your head. He'd briefly woken up a few times last night and he didn't seem different "If he wasn't Eddie I'd know by now" you say.
Steve flicks through the book Dustin came with, frantically trying to find an answer.
"It says in here Kas is the one to destroy Vecna? Do you think that's why the Upside Down kept Eddie alive? Is this like his... destiny?" He asks.

You grab the book and read out loud.
"Kas the Bloody Handed was Vecnas most trusted lieutenant.
In return for his loyalty, Vecna offered Kas vampirism aswell as a sword, imbued with a fraction of Kas consciousness, the sword now known as The Sword of Kas. The sword seduced Kas and ultimately led him to kill Vecna and destroy his kingdom, his dark tower falling to dust"
Dustin is nodding, Robin looks confused and Steve looks terrified.
"So... Eddie has been seduced by a sword and is going to kill Vecna?" He asks.

You throw the book on the table, the loud thud startling everyone.
"These are a lot of 'what ifs'. Eddie hasn't even fully regained consciousness yet and we're already putting him back in harms way. Please can we just stick a pin in this and wait to see how he is when he wakes up? If he attacks me we know he's bad" you joke, No-one finds it funny.

"I'm staying here until we know" Steve says
You protest but he shuts you down each time.
"I'm not leaving you alone"
You hold your hands up in defeat "If that's what it takes then fine. But if he wakes up as a sexy vampire then you're responsible for anything you might hear"
Dustin gags as Robin laughs, Steve doesn't look at all impressed.


Robin and Dustin left as it started to get dark. Leaving you and Steve alone with Eddie, an Eddie you now weren't even sure was Eddie.
"Steve what if he isn't him?" You ask, solemnly.
"What do you mean? I thought you said-"
"I don't mean the vampire thing, I mean... we don't know what he went through while he was trapped down there. What if he's traumatised and we can't help him?" You say quietly, almost as if you don't want to speak it into existence.
Steve rests his hand on yours "I promise we will. We'll have the old Eddie back in no time" he grins.

You yawn involuntarily, apologising straight away.
"Wow, I didn't think I was that boring" Steve quips.
"I'm so sorry, I had a shit nights sleep and everything today... I'm wiped. I'm going to bed. Are you sure you're ok on the couch?"
Steve nods "I'll be fine. 3 in the bed might be a little crowded"
You laugh "Let's not add threesomes into the mix Harrington" you say as you walk towards the bedroom, missing Steve almost choking on water in shock.


You fall asleep almost immediately, your mind now awash with dreams and nightmares.
Dark rolling hills with bats and winged creatures flying above them, a large dark house on a hill, Eddie biting on your neck, his hands and rings covered in blood, a large sword glowing blue with pure energy...
You wake and peer around the room, the images still flashing through your mind as you take a second to adjust to your surroundings.

You breathe a sigh as you calm yourself down. It had just been a dream. Eddie hasn't killed you. Everything was ok.
"Hey, you ok?" You hear next to you, causing you to jump out of bed in alarm.

Eddie was awake, lying on his side, his head propped up on his arm.
"Were you watching me sleep?" You ask.
"Yeah. You looked like you were having a doozy of a dream too" he replies.
"I was. You were... never mind" you break the sentence off before you reveal too much.

Then it sinks in. Eddie was awake and he seemed ok.
You jump back on the bed and check him over. You pull back a couple of his bandages and see the skin on his wounds had almost healed.
"That... that's impossible" you whisper.
"What is?" Eddie asks.

You look up at him "Eddie what happened to you down there?"
He exhales as he tries to remember what he can "I remember the demobats and I remember Dustin. Then there was just... black. Just nothing. Then I woke up, Dustin was gone and so were the demobats. I laid there for a long time, days I think, faking death incase anything was around, and so I could think of what to do. Then I remembered how we communicated with Dustin when we were stuck and I knew I had to get to somewhere where you or Dustin would be. I dragged myself to your house and tried a few times but nothing ever seemed to go through. I waited and waited for it to work and then one day I could hear you, I could hear my guitar and you humming along. I managed to get a lamp on and... well you know the rest"

You needed more.

"Eddie you were there for 2 weeks. How are you alive with no food or water? How didn't you bleed to death? None of this makes any sense"

He shrugs "I don't know. I remember being in pain the whole time but nothing really bled. I didn't even think about it until Wheeler said I was bleeding before I passed out. I really don't know Princess"
You pull back one of his bandages so he can see the fresh pink skin underneath.
"Eddie this was an open bitemark less than 48 hours ago. All Nancy did was put vodka on it and patch it up, this one didn't even have stitches in it yet it's healed. How does that make sense?" You ask him.

He shrugs. "I'm just a quick healer?"
"No, if anything these had more chance of infection than healing. And you're propping yourself up, are you in any pain? You were barely conscious today let alone 48 hours. How are you so...ok... now?"

He shakes his head and shrugs again "I feel fine, achy but nothing really hurts anymore"
He then looks confused "What are you getting at?" He asks in return.

You cover the already healed cut again and kneel up on the bed. You wanted to be able to spring right off it if this went south. You grab hold of the walkie talkie, your finger hovering over the button to speak.

"Eddie, I want you to run your tongue over your top row of teeth" you ask him.
He gives you a weird look "why?"
"Please, please just do it"
He rolls his eyes and opens his mouth wide. You try not to react as you see the long pointed fangs in all their glory.
He starts at the back and slowly brings his tongue forward, over each tooth carefully until he hits the side of the elongated canines. He stops and his eyes go wide.
"Are they...?"
You nod.
"Eddie we have a theory but it's a wild one"

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