Chapter 3

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3 hours after you entered this god forsaken classroom at the most ridiculous hour, the campaign is finally wrapped up. You didn't want to admit it but you'd kind of been looking forward to tonight, even just to see Eddie. You'd allowed yourself to think about him a lot more since that night at his trailer. The way he looked at you and watched you leave, almost like he was a feral animal. You were starting to fantasise that maybe he might have a thing for you too.

He'd started to make a point to say hello to you if he saw you at school, once even making a scene at the door of your classroom to get your attention, no doubt kicked out of his own class for being an asshole. The attention was nice, sudden, but nice. Even though he was the local weirdo, no prospects and no drive, he had a way about him. He was charming and funny, passionate about things he loved and very up front about things he didn't like. He wasn't fake like everyone else in this town. He was just... Eddie.

Maybe all it had taken was one game of D&D with me for him to see me in a different way.

You push away from the table and go to stand up.
"Well, boys, it's been fun. I will make sure Lucas is here next week even if I have to burst every basketball in Indiana with my teeth"
Eddie stands quickly, taking your hand and pulling you off to the side, very alone and very secluded.
"Y/N I need another favour" he whispers.
"I am not doing this again Eddie, not for all the free weed in Hawkins" you hiss.
He smiles and laughs quietly "no I'm not asking you to, I promise. But I do need your help. It's always been guys playing the campaign, I've realised I need to make it more girl friendly. After you've dropped Henderson and Wheeler off, can you come to mine? I just want your opinion on some things? As a woman" With the last 3 words his voices deepens and it feels like his eyes are searing into yours. Your steely resolve drops and you can't help but nod silently.
"Yeah... sure. Give me like an hour?" You say.
He grins and nods, walking away without another word.


Getting away from Dustin after you got home had been a campaign in itself but you managed it. You knew he knew where you were going, you'd learned with Dustin to run away before he asked too many questions.

Slowly making your way to Eddies had taken what felt like forever but you put that down to anticipation. You'd known Eddie a few years now, by reputation then by buying from him. You've always found him incredibly attractive but he seemed so off limits before. The only interactions you had were brief, even when buying from him. Just a silly crush. But now you were thinking of him all the time. His lips, his eyes, the way his whole face lights up when he smiles. You allowed yourself some hope.

Pulling up to his trailer, Eddie his already waiting for you by the door.
"Princess, I'm so glad you came"
"Stop calling me that, I know you're just being mean"
He fakes a hurt look, clutching his chest "Prettier Henderson, you hurt me so. I could never be mean to you"
You smile, disgusted at how him calling you pretty made your stomach flip.

He leads you into the trailer. He grabs a 6 pack from the fridge and takes you into his room, closing the door behind you. Surely this meant his uncle was home? You weren't sure if this put you at ease or made you more nervous.

Eddies room wasn't too different to yours. Band posters covered the walls, clothes and piles of magazines littered the floor. But your eye was drawn to his guitar, hung in pride of place facing his door. It felt like a familiar space to you which put you at ease.

"I really don't know how I can help you, I don't know anything about D&D" You wanted to get that in before it became obvious you had no idea about the game and made an idiot of yourself in front of him.

"Oh that? Yeah that was just to get you over here" he says as he pops open a couple of beers and hands you one "I realised we've never actually hung out before and I just wanted to... hang. I didn't want the others to overhear and get jealous. No-one else gets invited here, I can't have them thinking I'm showing favourites now, can I? I also didn't know if you'd want to so, I didn't give you the option to say no" his cheeky smile stops you getting annoyed, little bit of a red flag but how could you be mad at that.

"Sneaky, not very chivalrous inviting a defenceless girl over under false pretences?" You tease.

Eddie gestures towards the bed, motioning for you to sit. He takes a seat on a large bean bag opposite and opens a small box on the floor next to him, pulling out a ready rolled joint and lighting it. He takes a long drag and passes is to you.
"Y/N there is nothing defenceless about you" he says, plumes of smoke coming from his mouth along with the words.

You kick your converse off and sit back on his bed. Taking a long drag yourself, your body instantly relaxes. It was nice to get high without the worry of your Mom coming home early.

You both spend hours smoking, drinking and talking. About music, films, anything and everything. This is the longest you've spent with anyone in a while, it felt kind of nice.

"So be honest with me princess, did you really hate D&D as much as you said you did? You looked like you were having fun at some points"

You smile, your resolve had weakened, a warm buzz vibrating inside you from the alcohol and the weed, and he knew it.
"Ok fine, I didn't hate it. It had its moments. It's nice to get lost in a fantasy sometimes" you admit, winking at him.

Fuck you were feeling brave tonight

He sits forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he stares at you.

"You intrigue me. You're not like anyone else at school. You don't fit in with anyone yet no-one seems to care. You don't dress or act like any of the other girls. You swear, drink and smoke, you listen to metal and watch horror movies. You're not an outcast but you're not accepted either. I don't know how you do it"

You aren't sure how to take this, is that a good thing? You've never wanted to fit in but you didn't know you weren't 'accepted', whatever that meant.

"I mean, it wasn't something I strived for. I just don't like people that much. After schools over I never have to see these people again so why would I spend years of my life trying to make them like me and make myself like them. Seems like a waste of time and energy. I'm 18 now, almost ready to leave this town and forget everyone and everything in it" you shrug. The most honest statement you've made all night.

He finally smiles, accepting this as an answer.
"Well, if you want it, I have something for you. It might remind you that you fit in somewhere, even if it's somewhere you don't like". He reaches behind him and throws a top at you, a Hellfire Club top.

"Eddie I wouldn't wear Dustins, why would I wear yours?"

"Because it isn't mine. It's yours"

You allow a smile. Maybe being a part of a group of nerds wouldn't be the worst thing.

You pull your t shirt off without thinking, obviously you were more comfortable than you realised. Suddenly you're very aware you're sat in front of Eddie Munson in a pair of quite short denim cut offs and your bra. A nice bra which he definitely would think you wore for his sake.

The air in the room becomes thick with tension, Eddies eyes fixed on yours, not daring to look anywhere else. You would definitely slap him and he knew it.

You quickly pull your new top over your head and stand up, giving him a quick twirl
"How does it look? Like I'm one of the cool kids?" You joke.
"Oh definitely not. But who wants to be cool?" He grins

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