Chapter 16

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Your alarm clock startles you as it beeps on your bedside table. You realise the suns come up and you haven't slept at all.
It wasn't just the fact Eddie wasn't next to you, you hadn't been able to shut your mind off all night. You kept remembering his fist connecting with Jason's face, the look of pure fury on Eddies, his stubbornness to the whole situation.
You sit up and gaze around your room, could you really stand being here for another year, maybe more? He'd already been held back 3 times, what's a few more?

Tears sting your eyes at the thought of having to choose between heading off to start your life or Eddie. You knew from a young age you didn't want to end up like the adults in this town, working hard to go nowhere at all. You wanted to see the world, do exciting things. Not tow the line in a town you hated oh so much.

But Eddie, could you really leave Eddie behind? He was your everything now, you loved him more than you thought you'd ever be able to love anything or anyone. Could you really say goodbye to him and go it alone?

Your sadness turns to anger. So what if you did? It would be his fault! He worked so hard to have it undone by a stupid outburst, he should have known better. If you both end up heartbroken it's HIS fault, not yours.

You sigh, this would have to take a backseat for now. You get up to get ready for school, catching a glimpse of your Hellfire top lying on a heap of clothes on the floor. Your heart aches.


"I didn't know you stayed here last night?" Your mom says quizzically as you sit down at the kitchen table, grabbing a single slice of toast from Dustins plate.
Dustin eyes you suspiciously, searching your face for a sign of why you weren't at Eddies.
You glare at him "What? What are you staring at Dustbin?"
"Woah! What's with the attitude?!" He responds.
You throw the toast down on the table and slide your chair back.
"You've got 5 minutes to get in the car or I'm going without you" you say as you grab your bag and books and head out the door, slamming it behind you.
Dustin and your mom stare at each other in shock, Dustin shrugs and gets up, reluctantly following you to the car.

As you open your door you hear a familiar horn honk behind you and your stomach drops. You should have expected this.
"Princess, you coming?" Eddie shouts out the window.
You slam your own car door shut and walk over to his van.
"That depends, are you ready to apologise?"
He rolls his eyes "I don't know why you're so upset about this, I was defending your honour"
You hit his door "You are such a jackass! Eddie if you fuck up again and don't graduate I am NOT sticking around to wait for you, do you understand?"

As you turn to walk away he yells again "wait? What? What do you mean?" You hear his door shut and his feet run to you. He grabs your arm and turns you round to face him.
"You'd go without me?" He says, the sadness in his voice almost makes your heart break in two.
"No, no this is not on me Eddie. You made a promise, that's what this is about. You promised me you'd do everything you could to get us out of here but instead you pull a stunt like yesterday. How am I meant to trust you?"
He looks shocked, he hadn't expected this. "Hey, look, I intend to keep my promise. I really do. But he deserved it Y/N"
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.

"Dustin get in the car" you shout across to him.
He storms over to you. "No! You've been a bitch all morning, I'm going with Eddie" he says, walking to the passenger side of his van and getting in.
You hold your hands up in defeat.
"Fine. Fuck both of you" you say, walking back to your car and tearing off down the road, leaving Eddie and Dustin in your dust.

Eddie gets into the van and stares after you.
"Has she been like this all morning?" He asks Dustin.
"Yup!" Dustin responds "Is this about you punching Jason?"
Eddie nods, neither of them saying anything else the whole journey into school.

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