Chapter 17

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The next day at lunchtime you wait for Eddie outside Ms Kelley's office as he goes in to apologise, playing with your hands nervously. After what felt like hours he came out of the classroom looking sullen.
Your stomach dropped, oh no, he was in real trouble.
Suddenly he starts pumping the air, excitedly jumping around the empty hallway.
"It's fine. Jason's parents haven't said anything to the school and she won't push it any further. The punishment though, D&D club has been suspended for 1 week, but I think I already have a plan" he grins as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and you go to the cafeteria.


As you sit down with everyone else you notice Dustin going out of his way to not have to look at you.
You never made it home last night to have your apology movie night so as far as he was concerned you were still a bitch.

Eddie slaps his hands on the table to get everyone's attention. "Guys I have good news and bad news. The bad news is Hellfire club has been suspended from playing at school for a week" everyone protests, causing Eddie to have to slap the table again for quiet "but the good news is, we're moving it to mine...tonight" everyone cheers.
Mike and Lucas look particularly excited, Dustin doesn't react. He stares down into his food, poking it around with his fork.

You elbow Mike in the ribs gently and whisper to him to swap with you.
He gets up and you slide across next to Dustin.
"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was in a bad mood and I didn't mean to take it out on you" you whisper quietly.
He shrugs "it's ok"
"No Dustin it's not, I really am sorry"
He finally looks up at you "You want to make it up to me?"
You nod "I mean yeah, sure, whatever you want"
He raises his eyebrow "Hey guys" he yells, drawing everyone's attention "Y/N said she wants to join in tonight"

That little prick...

You put on your best fake smile "I mean, if that's ok with everyone?"
Eddie eyes you suspiciously then looks at Dustin, who winks at him. Eddie nods, realising what's happening and is more than happy to torture you.


You and Eddie got back to his with Dustin before anyone else arrived. As soon as you got inside you kick Dustin in the shin.
"I know I need to make it up to you but don't you ever pull anything like that again Dustbin!" You hiss.
"Oh Princess relax, you might even enjoy it this time" Eddie says.
Dustin pokes his tongue out at you and you huff, feeling very ganged up on.

As the others arrive you start to get nervous. Even Mike and Lucas matching Dustins energy the first time he stepped foot in the forbidden temple that was Eddies trailer couldn't get rid of it. You make sure you're sat in between Dustin and Mike so you can get help without Eddie hearing. You wanted to make it look like you had any idea what you were doing.

The campaign continues, spending the next couple of hours trying to pay attention to what everyone else's is doing was confusing but you started to understand it more and more. Dustin and Mike kept whispering suggestions to you, most of which you follows but you were starting to get brave. You think you had this.

"Lady Galanodel, it's your turn. What are you doing?" Eddie asks, everyone's eyes turn to you. This was it, the Wraiths were almost dead. All it would take is one high roll and you could bring this home for everyone.

"I...erm... oh! I cast magic missile!"
Eddie prompts you to roll 3 D4 dice and add your modifier.
"16!" You shout.
Eddie jumps up "The wraiths shriek in pain! Slowly fading away into black as they die" he falls to the floor, clutching his chest in fake pain.
Everyone cheers and Dustin high fives you.

You laugh at the absurdity of this situation. You actually enjoyed that! And you won the final battle for everyone. Eddie looks over to you from the floor and grins.

You wanted this forever and ever.


After everyone leaves you force Dustin to help tidy.
"But this was my apology!" He protests.
"The punishment didn't fit the crime" you say as you throw a trash bag at him.
Eddie laughs "Princess stop pretending you didn't enjoy that. You couldn't stop smiling when you cast the final blow, everyone saw it!"
You flip Eddie off and don't offer anymore response.
Eddie creeps up behind you and pushes you onto the sofa, tickling you relentlessly.
"Admit it! Admit you enjoyed it!" He yells.
"OK FINE I DID! Get off me!!" You shout.

Eddie high fives Dustin and grabs the now full trash bag from him.
You spot a white bag in the corner of the room.
"Is that from the video store? Is that mine from last night?" You ask.
"Yeah, you left it in my van" Eddie says.
You go and grab it and take out the video tape, throwing it to Dustin.
"This was your real apology. I was going to suggest a movie night with you but then Jason happened and I got sidetracked"
Dustin looks at the tape excitedly. "Can we watch it now?!" He begs.

Eddie grabs the tape from him "Henderson you did the impossible tonight so yes we can"
You and Eddie settle on the sofa, Dustin sits on the floor, as close to the TV as he can get.

You lean your head on Eddies shoulder as he wraps his arm around you.
He leans down to your ear and very quietly whispers "Princess I can't wait to marry you, have a whole heap of kids and have our own D&D club in our own home"
You look up at him and smile. Before tonight that sounded awful, but now it gave you an excited feeling.

There was nothing you wanted more.

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