Chapter 10

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"I will absolutely kick your ass Munson, you're on" you squeal as you and Eddie race towards the Street Fight machine.
One thing you and Eddie had just discovered you both loved was hanging out at the arcade. Your bed was starting to get lost under the cuddly toys Eddie had won and the heart shaped plastic sunglasses currently sat on top of your head were another prize he gave to you, you'd started wearing them ironically but now they'd become a staple in your wardrobe.

Eddie slips a coin into the slot and you take your place at your respective joys sticks. Eddie looked determined but you looked smug. Eddie didn't know how many times you had brought Dustin here to hang out with Will, Mike and Lucas and had time to kill. A few minutes and an aching wrist later, victory is yours.

You lean back against the machine and bask in the look of shock on Eddies face, he was so sure he had this in the bag.
"Oh don't worry sweetheart, you'll get there, it just takes practice" you say, patting him on the arm patronisingly.
Eddie picks you up by the waist and swings you round, making you scream.
"Not so tough now are we princess, now the dungeon master has you in his grasp" he says, laughing.

"Aw guys, isn't it so cute when freaks fall in love?" You hear behind you. Eddie let's you go and you turn around.
Jason and the rest of the basketball team are stood behind you.
"Fuck off Jason" you say, both of you already walking away from them.
"Y/N I always thought you were better than this Satan worshipper. Guess I was wrong" he shouts, causing everyone around you to turn and stare at the commotion.

You and Eddie stop walking and turn back towards them. Eddie goes to step forward but you hit his chest and push him back, stepping forward instead.
"Pretty funny how you say we're the freaks and telling everyone that Eddies a cult leader but you and these goons here are the ones parading around, on a Saturday no less, in matching jackets and in what looks like a very well rehearsed formation. Some would say that's cult leader behaviour. Go fuck your self Jason" you hiss, taking Eddies hand and heading towards the exit.
Eddie turns and flips them off with both hands as you leave.

Eddie puts his arm around you as you walk down the street and you wrap yours around his waist.
"You're a little firecracker" Eddie laughs "those assholes had no idea what to do"
You shrug "I just hate bullies, that's all. Especially blonde jocks with small dicks" you grin.

"Well now the arcades out of bounds, what do you wanna do?" He asks.
"How about the cinema? Nice and quiet" you suggest.
He nods and you head towards the movie theatre.


Eddie makes you stand away from the counter as he buys the tickets, refusing to let you hear what you're seeing.

No doubt it'll be something gross and violent knowing him

He comes over to you and without saying anything he drags you into one of the screens which is completely empty. You both find your seats, Eddie promptly putting his feet up on the seat in front.
"Tell me what we're seeing!" You yell.
He shakes his head and grins, that can't be a good sign.
The adverts and trailers pass then the title card for Pretty In Pink comes up on the screen.

You turn to Eddie in horror.
"Eddie Munson you made us watch a chick flick?!"
"Shhh this is a cinema, be quiet!" He retorts in a mocking tone.
You both look around you and see it's still completely empty.

Weird, I guess people have better things to do on a sunny Saturday in Hawkins

You look at each other and shrug. Eddie turns back to the screen but you lay your head back on your seat. There was no way you were watching this, even if it meant staring at the ceiling instead.
Eddie noticed this. "You're such a brat sometimes"
You flip him off but refuse to move any further than that.
"Watch the movie" he says again, his tone becoming firmer.
You shake your head "I'd rather not thank you"

Eddie kicks his legs off the seat and leans down to your neck, biting it gently and making a growling noise that tickles your skin. You giggle and try to push him away but it's too late, his hands join the party and tickle your sides, making you scream loudly.
Enjoying how much this is torturing you he pushes his hand under your shirt and starts to attack your bare skin but it slips up further than he intended to.
"Princess, are you not wearing a bra?" He whispers against your throat, making you shiver.

The air gets sucked out of the room and the fun moment becomes loaded, neither of you making a sound except for breathing heavily.
He pulls away from your neck and gazes into your eyes, holding the contact as his thumb grazes over your nipple, causing it to stand to attention instantly. You gasp at the sensation which only encourages him further. He pushes your top up and exposes both your breasts, leaning down he takes each nipple into his mouth in turn. The feel of his tongue flicking over them and his lips wrapped around the sensitive nubs make you groan in satisfaction.

Eddie moves to the floor and onto his knees, lifting your leg over his shoulder as he gets in between your legs and pulls your hips towards him for easier access. He pins your body to the seat as he continues his masterful work on your body. His tongue, mouth and thumb caress, suck and lick your tits spectacularly, your cunt ached for him but you didn't want this to stop, it felt too perfect.

Eddie undoes your belt and jeans and slips them off your legs. He pushes them further apart and slips your panties to the side, slipping one finger into you slowly. You see stars as he pushes the tip of the digit up and against the wall of your soaking core, finding the spot. Once your moans confirm he's there he slips another finger in and strokes it slowly, his tongue matching the same pace on each of your nipples in turn.

You grab a fistful of his hair, desperate for this not to stop. You hold his head where it is and cry out his name as his tongue and fingers speed up, you start to grind your hips against his hand as you feel your climax starting to build.
"Please... please don't stop" you gasp.
His teeth bite down on your left nipple gently and it throws you over the edge. He senses it in time and clamps his free hand over your mouth as you scream in ecstasy, the sound muffled by Eddies palm. Your hips buck against his hand wildly, so much so he struggles to hold you in place.

As he feels your body relax he takes his hand away and stands up, pulling you up with him. He turns you around and pushes your torso down, bending you over the seat. Instinctively you place one knee on his seat and the other on yours, your legs spread for him.

You hear his belt click and his flies being opened, he places his hand on your ass as he guides his throbbing cock into you.
You bite down on your hand to stop yourself from crying out, the orgasm you had just experienced making your cunt tighter and more sensitive. You felt every inch in the most intense way.

Eddie grabs your hair and pulls your head back as he starts to pound into you, so hard you feel your chest smack against the seat underneath you over and over and over again.
Eddie rests his other hand on your bare ass cheek, stroking it gently before pulling it back then bringing it back down again hard, a loud crack follows as his palm connects with your skin. You scream in pain and the most insane pleasure.
Eddie leans down to your ear "Princess shut the fuck up or were going to get caught" he hisses before returning to his previous stance, enjoying watching you bent over for him too much not to.

You look over your shoulder at him, holding eye contact with him as his hips slam into you harder and faster, both of your groans audible over the dialogue in the movie behind you.
Eddie let's go of your hair and places both hands on your waist and starts to pull you back onto him as he enters you, forcing himself deeper and deeper into you with each delicious thrust.

"Eddie... I'm going to cum again" you gasp.
His hand clamps over your mouth again as he feels you tighten around him, your body shudders and bucks underneath him as he feels the vibrations of your screams and groans against his hand.
He can't contain it anymore, he pulls out of you just in time to flip you back over and push your head down onto his cock, cumming deep in your throat. You groan as you taste a mix of both of you at once, swallowing everything he has.

He leans on the back of the seat behind him, trying desperately to catch his breath as he watches you recover in front of him.
You pull your top down and reach down to grab your jeans, quickly pulling them back on as he does his jeans and belt back up.

You both sit back in your seats and fix your gazes onto a movie neither of you have been following, both dizzy with satisfaction.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now