Chapter 15

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"Danger!" Eddie shouts as he sneaks up behind you, your mind too pre-occupied searching through your locker for your maths textbook to notice him.
"You asshole!" You yell back, slapping him on the arm.
He leans against the locker behind you, looming over you menacingly.
"Princess I could have been a weirdo looking to kidnap you" he whispers before kissing you.
"Well good job the weirdo was you this time" you retort.
Eddie tickles you in response, making you squeal at him to stop.

As he finishes his attack, Jason and his basketball goons walk by, Jason nudging Eddies back as he goes past.
"Guys don't you hate it when a nice girl whores herself out to a freak" he says loudly.
You glance up at Eddie and notice his face had changed from the warm expression he looked at you with to one of fury.
"What the fuck did you just call her?" He shouts.
"Eddie please don't" you hiss.
"You heard me... freak" Jason says, walking back towards you both.

Eddie steps forward, he had a good foot of height on him but Jason was bigger and stronger. Your stomach flipped at how this could escalate.

"Why don't you and your morons go drink-drive through busy traffic, do us all a favour" Eddie smirks.
Jason closes the gap, his arms flexing in a pathetic show of masculinity.
"Why don't you and you're whore fuck off back to your trailer park where white trash belongs" Jason whispers aggressively.
Suddenly, quicker than you can process what's happened, Eddie swings his fist and connects hard with Jason's face. Jason stumbles back, giving you enough time to step forward and pull Eddie back.
Ms Kelley, the school guidance counsellor, appears from her office and takes in the chaos, the hall now filled with students shouting words of encouragement to both Eddie and Jason to kick the living shit out of each other.

She quickly reacts and gets in between the two battling feral animals. She looks at Jason and then at Eddie.
"He punched me!" Jason yells, the blood pouring from his nose proof enough that he wasn't lying.
You step in front of Eddie and tell Ms Kelley what happened, what Jason said and that Eddie reacted badly.

Eddie hasn't taken his eyes off Jason the whole time. He still looks furious, like a coiled snake ready to strike.
You hold his cheek and force him to look down at you "Eddie please, please calm down. I don't care what he calls me, please just relax" you whisper.
His face softens and you see his body relax.

"Eddie Munson you need to get yourself together" Ms Kelley says "you can't go around assaulting other students. If you have any hope of graduating this year you need to stop acting like a fool"

You grab Eddies arm and pull him down the hall and away from everyone else. You find an unlocked empty classroom and pull him inside.
He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs, it's sinking in what he's just done and what it might mean.

"Eddie you promised me. You swore to me we would graduate together and now you're going around punching the schools star athlete?! What did you think would happen?!"
"I don't know!" He yells "I couldn't just let him call you names like that and get away with it!"
"Do NOT use me as an excuse for your toxic masculinity! You've been itching to do that for years" you respond.

"Princess he deserved it" he says, his voice lower this time.
"That's your response? You always do this Eddie. As soon as something becomes a responsibility you give up, you run away. Is this you running away? Is it just easier to be the class fuck up instead of doing something with your life?" You say, tears stinging your eyes.

He shrugs "Guess it looks that way doesn't it" he says, brushing you off in a way he's never done before.
You shake your head at him, wondering who this guy is in front of you now.
"I can't talk to you when you're like this. Let me know when you're ready to apologise for almost fucking everything up for us and we can talk"

As you walk to the door Eddie grabs your arm.
"He called you a whore, I'm not going to let him get away with it" he says softly.

"Let me go Eddie" you say, not even daring to look up at him, you knew you'd waiver.
"Y/N Please" he begs.

You shake your arm away and leave the room. Hearing a loud bang as Eddie punches the wall in frustration.

You then hear the door fly open and footsteps behind you as Eddie runs up to you, his feet sliding on the tiled floor as he races to get in front of you.
"I was defending you, do you not see that? If people like Jason are allowed to walk around the way they do and treat people the way they do then what hope is there for people like us?"

You let out an exasperated scream "Eddie I don't give a fuck what he called me! Do you not remember what I said to you that first night we hung out? I don't care about these people, I never have, they can think what they like. What I care about is YOU. I don't want you to keep holding yourself back because you act like a fucking idiot all the time! So this is me running away Eddie, you know where I'll be when you're ready to fucking grow up"

You storm away from him before you say something you regret, or even worse, back down.
Eddie stands in places, regretting every decision he's made in the last 15 minutes.

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