Chapter 13

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All that Sunday and for the next week you and Eddie had done nothing but work on his assignments and schoolwork, making sure he was on top of it all and had everything he needed. You'd never seen him work so hard on anything before. You were bursting with pride and happiness that your desire to get out of Hawkins could finally become a reality.

"I think it's perfect" you say as you hand back his English essay, trying to ignore the numb butt you had from sitting on the floor with all this homework spread out in front of you in piles. He'd chosen Lord of the Rings for his essay which wasn't a surprise to you, it would have been too much to ask him to read another book aswell as do all this work.
He breathes a sigh of relief and tucks it into his folder along with all the other work he had to hand in. You felt a little bad for all his teachers who would be getting all this work thrown at them all at once.

Eddie holds your hand and grips it gently "Princess thank you so much for helping me, I couldn't have done this on my own"
"This is for both of us" you respond with a smile.

He gets up and reaches out for your hand. "Come with me, I've got something to show you" he says.
You take his hand and he pulls you up and leads you into his bedroom. He grabs his guitar from its wall mount and motions towards the bed, urging you to sit down on the end. He sits on the bean bag opposite and plugs the guitar in.

He takes a deep breath and starts to play. You recognise the melody instantly, and tears sting your eyes.
Eddie was playing Pink Floyd- Wish You Were Here. Your favourite song in the whole world. He start to sing along to the music and you feel tears stream down your face.

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell?
Blue skies from pain?

He looks up at you as he plays and sings, smiling at how touched you seem to be by what he's done. Your heart was threatening to burst from your chest, this was the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for you.
With each chord and each lyric it felt like he was singing directly into your soul, it felt like you were hearing it for the first time.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
I wish you were here

As he strums the last note you're a mess. He quickly places his guitar back in its place and wraps his arms around you. You hug his waist tightly as you sob against his chest.

" learn..that...for... for me?" You ask between sobs.
He nods "Yes. I felt so bad about our argument the other day, I've been learning it when you've not been here. I know how much you love it so I wanted to show you how much... I love you"

You stop breathing for a moment, like all the air has rushed out of your body.

He loves me?

You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face.
"Eddie do you mean that?"
He nods again, taking your face in his hands and wiping your cheeks with his thumbs.
"I do. I've never said it to anyone before but Princess I've loved you from the moment you stepped foot in that classroom and joined the Hellfire Club completely against your will. I love you with everything I am"

You kneel up on the bed, you're faces inches away.
"Eddie I love you too" you manage, smiling and crying with pure happiness.
He pulls you in to kiss you and in turn you pull him down onto the bed on top of you. He kisses you passionately before letting his lips drop down to your neck. You shiver as his teeth gently nip at your skin, his hands exploring your body.

He kneels up between your legs, undoes your jeans and pulls them from your body along with your panties in one swift motion, followed by his own. He leans back down on top of you and gazes into your eyes as he slowly enters you, letting you feel each inch one by one, grinning in satisfaction as you moan his name as he enters you further and further.
He leans down and kisses you, his tongue massaging yours gently as he starts to make love to you, slowly and intimately. He makes long steady thrusts, his hands running through your hair instead of wrapped around your throat, his hips grinding against yours gently instead of pounding into you wildly.

Desperate to feel his skin against yours you pull both of your t shirts off, his mouth wraps around each of your nipples in turn, sucking them before flicking his tongue over them.

Your whole body is on fire. Every nerve in your body is firing at once, you felt more vulnerable in this moment than any other time you and Eddie had been together. The world around you seemed to crumble away as he pulls your knees up, not enough to hurt this time but enough for him to enter you deeper. You gasp his name as he gradually gains speed, his lips still alternating between your delicious nipples.
"Eddie... I'm so close..." you moan.
His hips react and start to make slower but harder thrusts.
"Me too Princess" he gasps.

You hook your finger under his chin and pull him in to kiss you. In that moment you both explode. Your pussy tightens around his cock as his shaft twitches and releases load after load into you. Both of you gasping and moaning against each other's lips as your body writhes underneath him in pure ecstasy.

Eddie collapses next to you on the bed, neither of you out of breath but still lost for words.
The room felt charged, you've never told anyone you love them before, you don't think you've ever even felt it before, but both of you had said it to each other for the first time.

Eddie turns and nuzzles against your chest, hugging your waist tightly. You're shocked at the change of roles but you wrap your arm around his shoulder. Neither of you saying a word, neither of you really needing to.

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