Chapter 8

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You go back to Eddies that night. You spend the rest of the night watching movies and smoking and talking. It all felt so natural, you could be yourself around him. The last week was forgotten, the small blip at the start of your story.
"So are you staying here tonight princess or are you gonna run out on me again" Eddie jokes. Your head is on his chest as A Nightmare on Elm Street plays as background noise. His fingers have been playing with your hair for the last hour and you've been fighting falling asleep, you were way too relaxed but you wanted to savour every moment of this.

You sit up and give him a quizzical look. "Eddie why do you call me Princess? You know I hate it, look at what happened to Dustin"
Eddie laughs, a deep belly laugh, at the memory. "Because I can get away with it. I like it, it's ironic"
You can't argue with that. He can get away with it. You hated it, always have ever since you were a kid, but when Eddie said it you didn't hate it quite so much.
"Fine, you can keep it" you say reluctantly before laying your head back on his chest.
He continues playing with your hair as you listen to his heartbeat. You close your eyes for a moment, eventually falling asleep. Eddie hears your breathing slow and your head get heavier. He looks down at you and grins, happy you're relaxed enough to fall asleep on him. It isn't long until he leans back on the couch and falls asleep too.


You both wake with a start as Wayne slams the fridge door, both of you jumping up ready to fight whoever had broken your slumber.
"Morning lovebirds" Wayne grins from the kitchen. "Eddie you know you have a bed, right?"

Eddie stretches and yawns "yeah but when your girlfriend falls asleep on you, you're kind of stuck"

Woah woah woah, girlfriend? Now we're throwing the G word around?

He notices your panic and touches your leg. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Not before we've talked about it"

You think about it for a moment and... you don't hate it.

You lean into his ear "Eddie Munson will you be my boyfriend" you whisper.
He grins "Thought you'd never ask, Princess"

"Gross" Wayne says as he leaves the trailer. Leaving you and Eddie in fits of giggles.


"This is risky, I don't think it's a good idea" you say, you and Eddie sat in your car in front of your house, you've been plucking up the courage to go in for 5 minutes now.
Eddie had the idea to pick Dustin up for school, the three of you going in together. It seemed like a good idea at first, now you wanted to hit the gas and drive forever.

"He will be fine Princess, I promise. Just go. I'll be here"
You take a deep breath and get out of the car. The walk up the path to your door felt like you were walking to your death.
As soon as you enter the house your mom is a flurry of panic.
"Y/N where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" She shouts. Dustin is sat at the kitchen table grinning. He obviously didn't lie for you this time.
"Mom chill out I was at a friends. I'm fine, not a scratch on me. I'm gonna go get changed then we're leaving, Dustbin" you yell as you head upstairs.

15 minutes later, a quick freshen up and a change of clothes and you were bundling Dustin out the door. He goes to get in the passenger seat, obviously not spotting Eddie "Nuh uh, back seat today" you shout.
He climbs in and stares at Eddie, shocked and dumbfounded.
"You went to Eddies again?!" He shouts.
Not giving him a moment to get back out the car you floor it away from your house before anyone had the chance to put their seatbelts on.
"Dustin listen to us, please" Eddie begs "I really like your sister, and she likes me, we want to see where this goes. If you don't want the guys to find out then that's fine, we can keep it quiet but you are going to have to accept it"
Dustin stays quiet, staring out the window in silent rage.
"Dustin? Will you please speak to us?" You ask him.


"Fine. Be a brat" you snap, bored of the temper tantrum now "I'm an adult, I don't need your approval"

The ride to school passes in silence, no-one daring to even breathe too loud.
You've barely turned the car off when you reach the school and Dustin is out, slamming the door behind him.
You lean your head on the steering wheel, banging your head against it.
"He'll come around Princess, I promise" Eddie offers gently, rubbing your back.


You didn't have any classes with Eddie, which was a blessing but now quite disappointing. Still, you kept remembering the night before, him fucking you in a classroom not to different to any of the other classrooms in the school. Losing yourself in the memory was getting you through the day at least.

By lunchtime you were concerned about Dustin. He seemed so angry, you knew you needed to go and talk him down, but you didn't want to face an argument again, especially at school.

You walk into the cafeteria and spot the Hellfire Club table, but no Dustin to be seen. Eddie catches your attention and points across the room. You follow his direction and see Dustin sat alone at a table in the corner, picking at his lunch but not actually eating anything.

The anger you felt this morning disappears and you soften at how alone he looks.
You walk over and sit down opposite him. He doesn't even look up at you.
"Can we please talk?" You say quietly.
He shrugs. All the go ahead you needed.
"I really don't understand why this matters to you so much? You've never cared before, is it Eddie?"
He shakes his head.
"Is it me? What is it Dustin, you need to tell me so I can understand"
"What if you break up?" He mutters quietly.
"So what if we do? It wouldn't effect you" you respond.

He finally looks up at you "I would have to choose between my sister and my club"
You shake your head "I would never make you make that choice and neither would Eddie. You might need to walk home in the rain more often but that's it" trying to use humour to break the tension didn't work.
"What about the other guys? They'll make fun of me"
"Well then I'll punch every last one of them everytime they do, how does that sound?" You say with a smile, managing to get him to smile too.

"I dunno Y/N it's just weird to me"
"Dustin do you want me to be happy?"
He nods
"Do you want Eddie to be happy?"
He nods again.
"Then please let us see where this goes? I can't stand us being in a fight but I need to see for myself what this is but I can't have you hate me"
His face softens slightly "I could never hate you, you're my sister"
"Then please Dustin, please could you be ok with this?"

He thinks for a moment then nods, reluctantly, but it's a nod.
"Ok, but if this goes south do not drag me into it"

You hold out your hand for him to shake "Deal!"
He takes it and you shake his hand, squeezing it gently..
"Love you Dustbin"
He smiles "Love you too"
"Now please go and sit with your friends, you're breaking my heart here on your own"
He picks up his lunch tray and walks over to the guys, all of them pleased to see him back with them.

You get up to leave but Eddie catches up to you and stands in front of you.
He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, making you squeal in surprise before you lean down to kiss him. The world around you goes silent and in your mind it's just you and Eddie. Free to explore where this thing goes with no interruptions or worries.
As you break the kiss you realise the silence was partly to do with the fact everyone in the cafeteria had stopped talking and were staring at both of you.

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