Chapter 33

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You hear Dustins shouts through the fog of pain in your head, it takes you a second to adjust and open your eyes.
You're in Steve's arms and everyone's standing over you, worry etched across their faces.
You gaze at the road around you, new bodies joined the existing ones but this time they belonged to the creatures you'd been fighting away. They writhed on the ground, some shrieking in pain, others twitching as their bodies shut down on them.

You remember seeing Eddie, his eyes white. He was telling Vecna he didn't want you. To do with you what he wished.
Tears stung your eyes as you see him in your memory, a sneer across his face as he told him to do it. To end your suffering forever.

"Eddie... he... he told Vecna to kill me" you whisper.
Dustin shakes his head frantically "No, no that's what Vecna does. He gets into your head and he makes you see things that make you weaker. Eddie saved you Y/N, Vecnas dead and the other creatures are dying with him. We did it!"

Eddie. He saved me

It's then you notice Eddie isn't among the faces staring down at you. You sit up and pain sears through your broken arm. You ignore it and get to your feet, holding your limp limb with the other hand. You frantically scan the area for Eddie and see him lying on the ground, the sword and shield lie next to him on the ground.
You run to him, as fast as the pain will let you and fall to your knees next to him.

"Eddie! Eddie please wake up!" You cry. His eyes are open and staring up into the now daylit sky.
Steve comes over and presses his fingers to Eddies neck, looking at you with a solemn expression.

"Y/N there's no pulse. I'm sorry"

You scream, over and over, loud waves of grief pouring out of your vocal chords. Dustin comes over and wraps his arms around you, you can hear his sobs in your ear.

You lie on the ground, resting your head on Eddies frozen chest.

He promised. We both promised.

"Please Eddie, please don't leave me" you sob.

A faint light catches your eye. The sword, it's energy is pulsing faintly. It gets brighter and brighter before it's flashing so bright you can hardly look at it.

The sword. The energy.

You grab it and shove it into Eddies hand, wrapping his fingers around the hilt.

"Please. Please bring him back" you beg.

The sword stops flashing, instead holding its glow. The light glows blue and then red then fades to nothing.

You watch Eddie, silently willing him to get up.

You cry out in relief as he takes a deep gulp of air and sits up, his gaze wide and shocked.

You wrap your one good arm around him and hug him tight, tears streaming down your face.
He drops the sword and wraps his arms around you, kissing your face frantically.
"Princess are you ok?" He asks.
You nod "Nothing a cast won't heal"
He looks up at the others, checking to make sure everyone's ok. They're all filthy and covered in monster blood but all in one piece.

He takes your face in his hands again and stares into your eyes "I love you, so much"
Your heart races with joy, he was back and he was ok.
He reaches into his mouth and lets out a sigh of relief.
"Fangs are gone. Back to normal" he says.

It's then you all realise the sword and the shield are gone. They'd done their job.

Everyone ran over and wrapped themselves around you both, everyone exhausted but ecstatic you've all made it out alive.

The rest of the people in town, previously hiding or fighting off the now dying creatures, walk towards you all, cautiously.
You can hear murmurs from the crowd.

...Eddie Munson? The satanist kid?
...He saved us. I saw him.
...It was that... thing all along
...Look, that's how the other bodies looked. It wasn't him!

You cry tears of relief as the rest of the town realise the truth. Eddie was innocent.

The group help you and Eddie to your feet, all of you making your way back to Nancys car, passing the oncoming fleets of army vehicles and blacked out cars now making their way towards the town hall.

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