Chapter 14

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"Y/N wait up!" You hear behind you whilst walking out of class.
Nancy Wheeler runs up to you with a flyer in her hand.
"Are you coming to the dance Friday?" She asks excitedly.
"Oh Nancy I'm flattered you'd ask but..."
She laughs "Oh no, I wasn't, I mean, erm, just... were you and Eddie thinking of coming?" She replies, flustered by your response.
You raise an eyebrow. "I don't mean to be rude Nancy but do me and Eddie seem like the school dance type?"
She ponders the question for a moment. "No, no I guess not. No problem! See you later!" She says as she slips away.

Eddie comes up behind you and puts his arm around your shoulder, watching Nancy leave.
"What was that about?" He asks.
"Oh nothing, she was asking if we were going to the school dance this Friday"
Eddie snorts "Not if I can help it"


"Hey are you guys going to the dance Friday?" Mike asks as him and Dustin join you and Eddie at the usual lunch table.
You look at Eddie bewildered "Am I giving off an 'ask me to the school dance' vibe today or something?"
Eddie laughs before putting on a stern expression "Why, did you want to ask her?" he teases Mike.
Mike turns bright red "Oh no! No I wasn't I swear"
You pretend to look offended "Why are you so horrified by that?! What's wrong with ME Mike Wheeler?!" You squeal, throwing a French fry at him.
"Nothing! Nothing I mean..I..."
"Oh so you DO want to ask my girlfriend to the dance?!" Eddie growls.
Mike splutters then opts to stop digging a hole.
You and Eddie grin at each other mischievously.

The rest of the gang join you and Mike asks the same question of them.
He's met with a table full of blank stares.
"Mike I think it's safe to say none of us will be going to the dance this Friday. Maybe you can take Dustin?" You tease with a wink.
Dustin, clearly not catching what you we're getting at, nods enthusiastically, leading to a howl of laughter from the group.

"How about we get drunk at mine that night? Have an anti-school dance night" Eddie says.
You all nod, a ripple of 'fuck yeahs' echo around the group.
Dustin and Mike join in, only to be met with a steely stare from you.
"Absolutely not Dustbin"
They both look crestfallen.


Friday rolled around quickly, through a few days of couples publicly asking significant others, tears from people who hadn't been asked and stubborn people claiming they're 'choosing to go stag'.

I made the right choice you think to yourself as you all sat in Eddies trailer, blasting Dio and getting drunker by the hour.
"Let's play a game" Gareth says.
"Please not D&D" you say with a groan, slurring your words slightly.

Maybe I need to slow down

"What about truth or dare?" Eddie says with a wink.
"Are you a 13 year old girl?" You laugh "I've not played that since I was a kid!"
"Well let's bring it back!" Eddie shouts "we're taking back truth or dare! Jeff! Truth or dare!"
Jeff looks taken aback at the sudden call out.
"Erm... dare"
Eddie stands and walks around slowly, tapping his finger against his lip as he thinks.
"I dare you... to call the Wheelers and tell Mr Wheeler you're banging his wife"
Jeff looks horrified, you match his expression.
Eddie notices both of your reactions.
"This is the point of the game! That or you have to do a forfeit. Which will be licking Gareth's  feet"
Jeff gags and walks over to the phone.
He stands for a moment, waiting for someone to pick up.
"Mr Wheeler? Oh man, sorry, I thought your wife would answer. She did tell me not to call after a certain time, well I think she did, her mouth was full at the time"
He hangs up as you all start shrieking with laughter.
"Ok, my turn" Jeff says, looking around the group.
"Eddie, truth or dare"
"Let's see... truth"
A chorus of 'pussy!' and 'coward' ring out amongst you.
He flips you all off "I stand by my answer. Truth"
Jeff grins "Ok, truth... D&D or Y/N?"

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