Chapter 21

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Your heart pounds in your chest as his voice comes through a second time.

"Eddie? Eddie can you hear me?!" You yell.

There's a long, painful silence. The lights still flickering frantically in morse code.

"Eddie Please! Can you speak to me?!"

The lights stop flickering and the radio comes to life again, the sudden change almost deafening you.

You're frozen, had you imagined that? Could it have just been interference?
No. No that was definitely Eddies voice.

Dustin. You had to find Dustin.

You race downstairs and into your car, speeding out of the driveway towards Mikes house. You'd bang on every last door if you had to.
Dustin had to be somewhere.


"Y/N? Are you ok?" Nancy asks when she answers the door.
"Is Dustin here? I need to speak to him. It's urgent"
She shakes her head "No, Mike isn't either. Hey, what's happened?" She asks, her face full of concern.
"It's... it's Eddie... I think he might be... alive" you stutter.
She eyes you suspiciously.
"No seriously! I heard him, the lights flickered then his voice... it was him Nancy I swear!"
She nods, choosing to believe you based on how panicked you seem. She grabs her coat and follows you to your car, both of you speeding through town, trying to think of where they could be.
"The hospital?" You offer.
"No, they went this morning, I dropped them in town afterwards. That was hours ago, surely they can't still be-"
"THE VIDEO STORE!" You both shout together.

You almost mount the curb as you speed into the car park, both you and Nancy racing out of the car and into the store, startling a few customers as well as Steve and Dustin.

"Dustin it's Eddie. I think he's alive!" You shout, so fast it takes Dustin a moment to work out what you've said.
He looks at Steve, that pitiful look people had been giving each other when you walk past.
"Guys I'm not fucking kidding! I heard him!"
Steve shushes you "keep it down, one, there's people in here, two, IF he is alive, he's still a murder suspect so shush!"

Dustin sighs and looks at the floor. "Y/N there is no way he's alive. It's been two weeks and I was there... I saw him go" he says.
It's Nancy that responds "Will was down there for weeks, weeks Dustin, yet he came back. We don't know, maybe something keeps things alive there? Maybe for a reason?" She offers.

Steve and Dustin look at each other again, that same look again.

"For fuck sake. Dustin if you don't believe me come home and see for yourself!" You hiss.
Dustin rolls his eyes and follows you and Nancy as you run back to the car and hightail it back home.


You, Nancy and Dustin had been stood in your room for hours, nothing was happening.
You started to question your own sanity.

"Guys I promise-" you stop as tears well up in your eyes.
"It happened, it was real!" You sob, Nancy wraps her arm around you as your body starts to shake.
"What exactly were you doing?" Dustin asks.

"I was sat on the bed, playing the guitar and listening to the radio. The radio went static and the lights went crazy then he spoke"

Dustin hands you Eddies guitar "sit on the bed" he orders.
You follow and he flicks the radio on next to you.
"Play. Just how you were"
You look at both of them, suddenly feeling very self conscious.

You strum away mindlessly as you had been, the radio filling the silence and covering your amateur plucking when suddenly the room fills with static and the lights go haywire.
You leap off the bed and stare at your ceiling light.

"Eddie? Eddie can you hear me?"

The static grows louder and again, clear as day...


Dustin and Nancy stare at each other. It was Eddies voice, no mistake.

"Eddie where are you?" You shout, trying to make your voice heard over the static.

"Here. I'm here"

You look at Nancy and Dustin, confused, but they're looking at each other already, a knowing look you didn't like.
The static quiets, the radio returning and the lights fade to a stop.

"Guys? You know where he is don't you?" You ask.
They both nod "He's here. Not here here, but here... in the upside down. We got stuck there and communicated with Dustin through a LiteBrite. Somehow lights and sound work differently there, they can be manipulated to communicate with us. Eddie found his way to your house" Nancy explains.

You sit on the bed, numb with shock, but a small bubble of hope builds in your stomach.

Eddies alive and he needs your help.


"Ok so let me get this straight" you say, the 3 of you now sat in your sparse living room "the upside down is the same as ours, just... darker? And it's surrounded by hive mind vines directly connected to... Vecna, is it?" Everyone nods "right, and Eddie found his way to this house, the upside down version, to communicate through the lights. How do we get to him?"
"Oh no no no, no Y/N. It's dangerous. We barely made it out before-"
"Well one of you DIDNT make it out before Dustin and he's there now, probably hurt. Those lights were flashing SOS. He needs our help! We can't leave him there!" You shout.

Nancy steps forward, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N we don't even know if that was really Eddie. Something could have been playing with you"

You shrug her off "I cannot believe you two! Eddie died... almost died... to protect this town and now he needs us and you want to do nothing? I won't. Tell me how to get there, I'll go alone"
"Y/N you'll die!" Dustin yells.
"I'd rather that than live without him!" You shout back.

"GUYS!" You hear from the door "What is going on?" Steve says as he enters your house. "I've been waiting for you to come back and you never did"

"Steve it happened again, they saw it, but they won't go and get him. I want to help him, he's alive Steve and he needs our help!" You sob.

He looks to Dustin and Nancy for confirmation you haven't lost your mind. They both nod.
"It did Steve, it sounded like him" Nancy says calmly.

"Well then what are we waiting for. Let's go get him" Steve responds.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now