Chapter 9

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You and Eddie had become inseparable. You slept over at his most nights, so much so even your mom has stopped worrying when you don't come home all night.
The talk at school has fizzled out pretty quickly. Eddie Munson the freak and the scary girl who didn't talk to anyone were a couple, apparently that was news across all cliques. You'd both dealt with a couple of days of stares and whispers but it didn't matter to you, not when you had Eddie by your side.

He walked you to all your classes, came with you every morning to pick Dustin up for school and on days you didn't sleep over he would pick you both up. He held your hand at every given opportunity and insisted you had lunch at the Hellfire table everyday.

Tonight would be the first night you wouldn't be spending the evening together because the boys had D&D and you were already dreading it.
"But I'll miss you" you pout playfully at him as you say goodbye at the school gates.
"Princess it's just one night, I'll be there in the morning before school I promise" he soothes, kissing you on the forehead.
You lean up to kiss him goodbye, Dustin makes a disgusted noise behind him.
"So gross" he whispers to himself a little too loudly.
You flip him off and get into your car, already unsure of what to do with your night.


You drive through town on your way home hoping to find something to do instead of moping at home alone. The video store catches your eye.
Maybe they've got something good in we can watch tomorrow night you think.

You park up and enter the store, the little ding causing Steve Harrington to look up from behind the desk.
"Y/N hey! How have you been?" He asks cheerfully.
"Steve, hey! Yeah I've been good" you smile "just at a loose end tonight, got anything good in?"
He recommends movie after movie, none of them sound interesting, until he gets to the horror section.
"What's Chopping Mall?" You ask, eyeing the case curiously.
"Oh man it's so good! Ironically named because no-one gets chopped, more... blown up. But still, great movie!"
"Cool! I'll take it" you say excitedly.

"Ah Harrington, helping yet another attractive customer. Stop the press" Robin says, appearing from the back stock room.
"Robin this is Y/N Henderson, Dustins sister"
She smiles "Finally we meet! Dustin talks about you a lot, and Dustins here a lot so..."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Sorry you don't have friends Robin"
"Oh I do, they're just my age, not 9" she retorts.
You laugh at the back and forth. You'd always had a soft spot for Steve, even when he was a bit of an asshole. You could see why all the girls had a crush on him.

"Oh Chopping Mall! Great choice!" Robin says.
"Yeah hopefully Eddie will like it too" you say.
"Eddie Munson?" Robin asks.
Steve shoots her a look. Obviously it wasn't something he wanted to talk about.
"Steve it's fine. I know it's... weird... but it's good. Like really good"
He leans forward "I'm glad but if he ever does anything to hurt you, I still have my nail bat, and I will use it" he whispers, winking at you.
"It's a deal Harrington" you say as you leave, missing Steve throw a pen at Robin for being snarky.


Home was so boring. So much so you'd found entertainment laying on the couch throwing a ball in the air. Your current streak was 18 without dropping it on your face.
You glance at the clock, surely it was a decent time to go to bed now?

It was 8.30. You growl frustratedly. Things had become mundane unless Eddie was around, you were starting to wonder if things had always been this boring before or if Eddie had just come along and ruined everything.

Then you get an idea.

I could pick Dustin up, it'll kill time, I'll get to see Eddie, Dustin gets a lift. Win win win.

You get in your car and head off to the school.


"Another critical fail!" Eddie shouts, causing Mike to shout in frustration.
"I cast Thunderclap" Lucas shouts, rolling the D20 "19!"
"It hits!" Eddie yells "the Orc splutters his last and falls to the floor. Narrowly missing our noble adventurers"
Everyone cheers just as you walk into the room.
"Wow what a welcome" you shout over the racket.
"Princess!" Eddie says, a big smile comes with it, he looks genuinely happy to see you.
"Yeah sorry, I was bored so thought I'd give Dustbin here a lift home" you say as you ruffle his hair.
"Our fair maiden has perfect timing, we're just about done here" Eddie says.
"We are now the old ball and chain has turned up, hey Eddie?" a guy named Gareth, says, laughing like a moron.
The room falls silent, eyes flicking between you and Eddie.

You walk to the other side of the table, placing one hand on Gareth's shoulder a little harder than he had expected.
"Hey Gareth, Ball and chain here. Listen, I know you've probably never spoken to a woman, if you had I doubt you'd use phrases like that. But a little bit of advice, if you ever want to be inside one you should get some fucking respect" you say in your honed 'calm but legitimately scary' voice.

"That's my girl" Eddie says "now apologise" he says to Gareth.
He mumbles an apology and the rest of the group hightail it out of the room and away from the awkwardness, leaving you, Eddie and Dustin.

"Ok, well, I've got my little brother now so I guess I'll see you in the morning?" You say as you go to leave.

"Or you could both come back to mine?" Eddie suggests. Dustin looks up at you and nods enthusiastically.


Back at Eddies, Dustin can hardly contain his excitement, It's like he's entered Valhalla.
"Dustin stop touching things!" You hiss, watching him put back down what is very obviously a bong that he's been investigating like it's an ancient vase.

"So kids what do you want to do?" Eddie asks as he hands you both sodas and slumps down on the couch, grabbing your hand and pulling you down with him.
"Seeing as Dustins here we can't do what we normally do-"
Dustin makes a shocked, incredibly grossed out face.
"I meant smoke you sicko!" You shout.
"We could watch a movie? I've got loads of tapes"
"Eddie they're all horror, my mom would kill me if he ended up having nightmares"
"Y/N I'm not a baby, I can watch horror movies just fine" Dustin says stubbornly.

Eddie gets up and puts Texas Chainsaw Massacre in, then you remember earlier.
"Ah shit if I'd known we were coming over I'd have bought the film I rented earlier, Steve recommended it. Chopping Mall?"
"Oh man I wanna see that!" he says, sitting back down and pulling you in to snuggle on the couch with him "it's ok, we've got all the time in the world" he says before kissing your forehead and starting to play with your hair.

You smile contentedly and feel a warm feeling in your belly as Dustin sits crossed legged on the floor in front of you, practically vibrating with happiness. He couldn't wait to tell the others he watched horror movies at Eddies all night.

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