Chapter 20

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The next couple of days were the worst. The police had come to yours more than once looking for Eddie. You were questioned over and over on where he might go, if you'd seen him, what he was like towards the time of the 'murder' etc.

Your heart broken further everytime you had to talk about him.

But the police were nothing compared to the people in the town.
You'd gone to school a couple of days after that night, desperate for a distraction. Instead everyone stared at you.
You heard the whispers as you walked through the halls.

It should have been her, not Chrissy
Was she there? Did she help?
Did she know he was a satanist?
Is she a satanist?

At lunchtime, you walk into the cafeteria and a silence falls over the room.
You look over to your usual table and it's empty. A gnawing feeling grows in your stomach and your veins fire with anger.

None of this was fair.

"HE ISNT A FUCKING SATANIST! HE DIDNT KILL CHRISSY! FUCK ALL OF YOU!" You scream, running out of the cafeteria and out of the school.


You get home to your mom, pacing the floor just as Eddie had done that night.
"Y/N have you seen Dustin?" She asks, panicked.
"No, not since yesterday. Why?"
She starts to cry "He didn't come home last night. I don't know where he is. All this talk of satanic cults, what if he's in danger?"

You try to calm her down and call Mikes. Surely he has to be there?
"Mrs Wheeler? Hi it's Y/N, Dustins sister, is he there?..... he is? Oh thank god. Ok, thank you"
You hang up and see your mom has breathed a sigh of relief.

You slump down onto a chair and rest your head on the table. You open your eyes and watch your tears fall onto the wood.


You were home alone, lying on the couch listening to your Walkman when it happened. The whole room started to shake, even the walls.
You sit up and take your headphones off, panic rising in your body as the earthquake rips through the whole house. The sound of glass smashing, furniture tipping rings in your ears. You glance out the window and see the houses on the other side of the street, they looked like they were vibrating.
The sky had turned a deep midnight blue but there was an eerie red glow, it almost looked like a row of red lights were lit across the street, lighting up the bottom of the skyline.

You can only sit and wait for it to stop, watching everything around you falling and smashing on the floor. Furniture moved towards you at an alarming speed, tipping over and breaking as it hit the floor. You wrap into a ball on the couch, protecting your head, and wait for it to subside.

After a few minutes it stopped, the deafening quiet afterwards made your skin crawl.

Mom. Dustin. Eddie. Are they all safe?

You get up and try the lamp next to you, it won't turn on.
You look out the window once more and see all the streetlights are off and all the neighbours houses are pitch black.

Have we ever had an earthquake like that before in Indiana?

You run outside and see other neighbours doing the same, everyone rushing towards any moving person to see if they're ok.

You sit on your front doorstep, surely mom and Dustin would come home soon, you'll wait here until they are.
There's a knot in your stomach, tight with worry and concern. You'd soon know if your mom and Dustin were ok but what if Eddie didn't make it out of Hawkins? What if he had gone somewhere that wasn't structurally sound? What if he was trapped and no-one could get to him because no-one knows where he is?

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now