Chapter 25

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Steve helped move Eddie onto the bed in Ricks bedroom and made sure he was comfortable.
"Y/N are you sure you're ok here alone with him?" He asks "We'll be back in the morning, I just don't want to leave you alone all night"
You brush him off "Steve it's fine, I promise. Dustin gave me this-" you hold up his Walkie Talkie "incase something goes wrong. All I ask is you bring a change of clothes for both of us?"
He nods and you say your goodbyes.
Dustin hugs you tightly "Tell him I'm sorry" he says.
You stroke his hair and kiss the top of his head "You have nothing to be sorry for Dustbin" you soothe.

You watch them leave in your car, leaving you and Eddie alone and secluded.


You wake up early, the sunlight pouring through the window ruining your sleep. You'd debated closing the curtains but thought it best not to change anything incase someone grew suspicious. You laid in bed for hours just staring at Eddie as he slept next to you.
He'd stirred in his sleep a bit, it looked like he was having a nightmare. He'd soon calm himself, much to your relief. As much as you wanted to touch him, you knew he was still tender and the last thing you wanted was to hurt him.

"Y/N?" Robins voice shouts through the silent house.
"Robin shush!" Steve hisses
"What? There's no-one around for miles!" She retorts.

You smile to yourself at the exchange and get up and walk out of the bedroom.
"Jesus Christ look at the state of you" Robin says.

Exhausted you'd passed out wearing the clothes from last night. You hadn't felt how dirty and gross they were until just now.

Steve throws a bag at you "That's what this is for Robin" he says before walking to the fridge with another bag and starts to fill it with food and drinks.
You open it and see clean jeans, your Hellfire top (very funny Steve) and a change of clothes for Eddie.
"We stopped by his trailer and found some stuff that seemed ok to wear" Robin says.
You hugged her tightly, startling her. You'd never been one for friends but right now you loved them both so much.

"How is he?" Steve asks.
"He's ok. He slept most of the night, me not so much, he got annoyed after the 10th time of me checking his pulse"
"Can we see him?" He responds.
You nod and take him into the bedroom. Eddies still sound asleep.
"God he looks battered" Robin whispers, taking in his naked torso littered with bandages and smaller cuts.
"He'll be ok" Steve says "He's a stubborn one. Two weeks in the upside down and he doesn't die. That's commitment"


Steve and Robin had agreed to stay with Eddie while you ran home to grab a few more things and to make it look like you'd been home.
The house was empty when you got there, allowing you to run around and quickly grab what you needed. You quickly ate and left the plate on the table. Your mom hated it when you did that but at least she would know you'd been here and wouldn't worry enough to ask questions.

You shoved all your usual shower stuff and toothbrush into a bag along with your radio and smoking paraphernalia. You knew as soon as Eddie was well enough he'd want something to take the edge off a little.
Your eyes fall on Eddies guitar.

Another thing he'd want when he was ok again.

You grab it and go to head back to your car just as Dustin enters the house.

School had closed for a bit to get repairs done from the 'earthquake', some of the kids had been playing about near a large crater that had opened up on the football field and one of them broke their leg. The school decided keeping the kids away would be the easiest option.
You suspected this wasn't true as no-one could say who it was, if you hadn't been so pre-occupied with Eddie you'd have gone to investigate by now, you reckoned it was more than they let on but the government wanted it hushed.

"Y/N! How is he?" He asks hurriedly.
"He's ok, sleeping a lot but he doesn't seem to be in too much pain now, he's stopped groaning at least"
He smiles, relieved. "Can I come and see him?"
You nod leave together, putting the guitar and bag in the boot and heading back to Reefer Ricks.

There's silence for a bit until Dustin speaks.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm sorry you spent so long in pain" he says quietly.
"Dustin will you stop apologising. He's ok, we got him. You didn't know he was alive and it had been a couple of weeks, no-one could have expected this. I just wish I knew how he managed to survive so long"
"Well... I have a theory..."


When you get back to the house Dustin goes through his bag and pulls out a large book. You see 'D&D' on the front.
"Dustin... is now the time?!" You ask, horrified.
He looks confused then realised how it looks "No! That's not why. I went to the book store today to find anything I could relating to Vecna specifically. I found this" he opens the book and lays it on the table.

You all lean forward to read the page.
"Kas the Bloody Handed?" Robin questions.
"Yeah. So, in the Vecna Lives campaign, Kas the Bloody Handed is given the sword of Kas which he uses to defeat Vecna. Look at the picture and tell me that doesn't look like Eddie" he says.
You all look and, well, he isn't wrong.
"I think that's why Eddie was kept alive. I think he's destined to become Kas" he says, looking very proud of himself.

You pick up the book and read it, picking out sentences.

Vecnas trusted lieutenant
Betrayed Vecna
Sword of Kas

"Wait... Vampire?!" You yell.


"Just open his mouth" Robin whispers, nudging Steve, all of you stood around the bed staring at Eddie.
Steve glares at her "You open his mouth!"
You roll your eyes and walk over to the bed, you sit on the side you slept on last night and lean over Eddies face. He's still fast asleep.

You look at the others and take a deep breath, you push his top lip up slowly.
You gasp as there are a set of fangs, his upper canines longer and more pointed.
Your eyes grow wide and you look up at the rest of the group.

"Oh shit" Steve whispers.

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