Chapter 29

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You all spent the evening re-arming yourselves and packing essentials to venture back to the Upside Down.
You and Robin raided Reefer Ricks shed and found a machete, 2 shotguns, a hunting knife and an axe.
Eddie and Dustin poured over books to find anymore information they could, they learnt the sword will speak to Eddie directly when he's within range but will heavily influence him once it's found.
"You need to keep your wits about you" Dustin warns him "Once it's in your head we don't know what you'll become"
"Don't let your sister hear that" he hisses "The last thing we need is for her to worry more"

Steve and Nancy had snuck down to the arcade and stolen 6 bikes. Nancy had felt awful about this but Steve swore they would return them after.

As dusk fell, still not wanting to test wether Eddie could go out in the sun, you all loaded into Nancys car as it was bigger and made your way back to the trailer park.

Eddie noticed you rubbing your fingers, an anxiety tick you had developed at a young age, and rested his hand on yours. The feel of his skin instantly calmed you but there was still a knot of worry in your stomach.

What if none of you came back? Your mom would never know what happened, you remembered the look of relief on her face when Dustin came back that night. It would kill her if something happened to both of you, not to mention never knowing.
What if Eddie got hurt again and actually died? Could you go through that pain again?

Eddie taps your hand, causing you to look up at him.
"I love you. We will be ok" he mouths.
"I love you too" you mouth back.

"Woah, guys look" Dustin says.
You all look out the window as you go past the school. There were army trucks, black cars with tinted windows and soldiers surrounding the building.
"The crater" Nancy says quietly.

Maybe you were almost out of time.


It was dark when you reach the trailer park. You all load out of the car and pull the bikes from the back along with the weapons.
You take the axe, Nancy and Eddie take the shotguns, Robin takes the machete, Dustin claims the hunting knife and Steve has his trusty nail bat.
"She hasn't failed me yet" he says, tapping it against his hand.
Robin keeps hold of the bag filled with bandages and tourniquets should anyone get hurt, bottles filled with alcohol, rags and a lighter.

Eddie gazes around the abandoned area that he once called home. A large tear in the earth ripped through the park and left behind torched and broken trailer homes around it. His breath catches when he realises the one in front of him ripped in half was the one he once lived in.

You take his hand and squeeze it gently, reminding him of his promise.

We will be ok.

You all pile into the trailer and towards the now pulsing entrance into the Upside Down.
You swallow back your fear as Steve and Eddie jump up and fall back into it, grabbing the bikes from you and Robin before pulling you both in, followed by the weapons, bag and then Nancy and Dustin.

Eddie gazes around the dark version of his home and fights back his own fear. It had to have been effecting him being back here. He picks up cassette tapes littering the floor, popping an Iron Maiden one into his pocket.
You shake your head at him in disbelief.
"What? I'm not risking it not being back up there" he says, pointing upwards.

You all regroup, grab a bike each and your weapons and head out of the hole that used to be the door and cycle in the opposite direction from your Upside Down house.

Towards Vecnas lair.

Eddies POV

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now