Chapter 22

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The four of you spend the night planning how you were going to get there. Dustin had suggested Eddies trailer being the best place to get in. It was the last place Eddie had been so there should be a direct route to the house from there.
Nancy had collected the weapons they used those 2 weeks ago, aswell as Steve's nail bat.
You searched the shed out back and found a large pitchfork and shovel. You grab any kind of bandage and medicine you can find in the bathroom, shoving them in a bag with vodka and a wooden spoon from the kitchen for him to bite down on if needed.

You struggled to keep your hands from shaking as you loaded up the back of your car. What if you were too late? What if Nancy was right and it wasn't Eddie, just another creature mimicking him?

Eddie hang on, please just hang on. I'm coming

You stick your hair up in a high ponytail and look at your reflection in the car window. You looked exhausted. The bags under your eyes could be designer and you could definitely use more colour in your cheeks.

"Y/N? You ready?" Steve asks quietly, touching your back.
You nod, still staring at yourself in the window. You hoped tonight the girl staring back at you would be gone, replaced with Eddies girlfriend again.



This was the first time you'd been back to the trailer park since that morning you got sick. You'd been tempted a few times but each time you bailed, it felt too raw to go back to the place you and Eddie spent so much time. It brought back all the sleepless nights watching movies, the weed fuelled conversations about nothing and everything at once, the nights he kept you awake snoring. It all came back and you struggle to hold it together.

Y/N Eddie needs you now, don't break down here

You collect the weapons from the boot of the car. Shoving guns and knives into your back pack and holding the pitchfork tightly.
Steve grabs his bat, Dustin opted for the shovel and a shotgun, Nancy had a large hunting knife and a pistol.

You all stood and stared at the trailer. The whole park was deserted. It had been torn in half when the 'earthquake hit', Eddies trailer itself was torn in two. In the middle, on the ceiling of the back half of the trailer, you could see an opening, large black vines spewed out of it.

The entrance that hopefully led to Eddie.

Steve jumps down first. Your brain hurt at the physics. He had pulled himself up yet was staring down at you all, how was he defying gravity?

Nancy grabs your foot and lifts you, you grab the side of the opening and pull yourself up, flipping over and falling into Steve's open arms.
Nancy went next, followed by Dustin.

All 4 of you now stood in Eddies intact trailer in the Upside Down.

It was his trailer but it looked battle ready. It had been torn apart to protect windows and doors and furniture littered the floor. There was a blue tone to the air around you with small specs of red peeping through holes in the walls and roof.
The air smelt of soil and smoke and lightening lit up the room intermittently. You could hear screeching noises, it sounded like eagles were circling the sky above you.

Nerves begin to rise in your stomach as the reality of the situation kicks in. You could die down here.

So could Eddie

The thought of him pumps adrenaline through your veins and you lead the way, pulling the sheet metal off the door enough to see out.
Around the trailer was just an expanse of black. Large dark hills made up the scenery, dark shapes flew around the sky, illuminated by flashes of bright red lightening. There was nothing natural about any living being down here.

You and Steve pull the sheet metal off the door and jump down to the ground.
"Remember, we stay together, protect each other's backs. Don't let your guard down. Dustin, Y/N, you guys lead the way from here" Nancy says quietly "and watch out for the moving vines"

You all start your journey towards your house. You balk at the large grotesque shapes writhing on the floor, almost slug like and twice as slimy.
Your body was tense, so tense your muscles started to ache as you walked towards the direction your house should be. All around you there were shrieks from the creatures in the sky and loud cracks of thunder and lightening.

Dustin stuck at your side, making sure you were protected. You could see a fear in his eyes and suddenly you felt a pang of guilt. He must be traumatised coming back, and you've dragged him here.
You move the pitchfork to your other hand and take his, gripping it tightly.
"We'll be ok" you mouth to him.

"LOOK OUT!" You hear behind you. You look up in time to see a huge, black, bird like creature swoop down at you, you react in time to pierce it's neck with your pitchfork, the monster letting out a loud cry before it went limp.
"Eurgh!" You exclaim as you shake the weapon, the bird slides off with a squelch and thuds onto the floor.

"Guys we have to keep moving, stick to covered areas and stay quiet and alert" Steve whispers.

You stay low and keep moving forward. After what felt like hours you recognise your street.
"Guys we're close" you whisper to the group.

You carry on up your street, weirded out by how familiar yet so alien everything looked. You recognise peoples yard and mailboxes yet everything around it looked desolate and abandoned.

You finally see your house and your heart leaps.

Please be ok Eddie. Please.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now