Chapter 32

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As you reach the town hall you finally see the carnage. Abandoned cars had been ripped apart, pools of blood spread across the ground like rain puddles, more body's lay amongst them, some missing body parts completely and others in the same unnatural positions as the ones further up the road.

"You..." you all hear, a deep voice comes from above you.
You all look up and see a hideous figure looming above you, held up by the same vines you'd seen hanging from the wooden beams in the attic.


Eddies POV

She looked terrified. My heart hurt as I saw the fear on her face.
The others were already taking on any creatures surrounding them, Demogorgans, demobats and demodogs all appear from nowhere, attacking everyone around me one by one.

It wouldn't be long until we were overrun. I had to act fast.
His attention falls on me completely and my blood runs cold.
I close my eyes and try to connect with the sword. Again in my head I hear it

The lich must die

Vecna lowers himself to ground level, I take a second to scan around the others. Everyone is slashing and shooting anything that comes near us. I'm surrounded by a wall of protection.
My sights set on Y/N as she takes an axe to a Demogorgan, taking its head clean off its body. She turns to look at me and shouts "you've got this Eddie" and it's all I need, I feel the sword pulse through me, waves of pure energy giving me all the power I need to take this fucker out.

"Kas... you think you can defeat me... I can destroy that sword in seconds..." Vecna growls.
"You'll have to take it from me first" I say in a voice that isn't mine.

The sword was speaking through me.

Vecna looks scared. The shock on his face gave me enough time to run at him. I connect the sword with his left arm, slicing it clean off his body. He shrieks in pain as he stumbles back.
As I regroup to swing at him again he hurls me backwards, his powers knocking me clean off my feet.

As I try and catch my breath I see his attention turn to Y/N. She turns to look at him and I can hear her pulse quicken from here.

Princess, no

Vecna holds his long clawed fingers over her face and in a split second she's raised up into the air. The others turn and watch as her body hovers above them.

"You think you can stop me Kas?" Vecna says to me "What would you have left if I destroy her?"

I feel the anger bubble inside me as the sword and shield in my hand glow crimson red.
They wanted to protect her just as much as I did.

I hear a sickening snap as I rise to my feet, I brace myself for pain but when none comes I look up.
Vecna had snapped Y/Ns arm in half.
She screams in pain and I feel the sword pulse more, it was angry at hearing her in pain.

I run towards Vecna, the sword giving me enough strength to run at a superhuman pace.
I scream as I jump into the air and bring the sword down on his other arm. He howls in pain and falls to the floor. I waste no time standing over him and burying the blade into his right eye.

I pull it back out and hold it up in the air.
"Kas... you were once one of mine..." he splutters.
"Not anymore" the sword says through me. I bring the blade down and straight through his neck. It falls from his shoulders and onto the ground with a dull thud.

I look up at Y/N in time to see her body falling from the sky, Steve runs underneath her just in time to catch her and stopping her from joining the other dead bodies on the ground.

I look down at the sword in my hand. It glows red, each pulse weaker than before, until it stops completely.

Then everything goes black.

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