Chapter 31

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Steve barges into the bedroom, holding his bat in the air, ready to swing.
"Y/N!" He shouts, loud enough to wake you up.
You sit up, rubbing your eyes as they adjust to the darkness. Eddie stirs next to you and groans as he pulls the bedcovers over his head.
"Steve what the fuck are you doing?" You ask sleepily.
He lowers the bat and exhales in relief.
"Oh thank god" he whispers "Guys she's ok!" He shouts to the other room.
"Steve, It's the middle of the night! What are you doing?"
Steve flicks the light switch but the room stays dark.
"That's the thing, it isn't, it's 11am"

You reach over Eddie and check his watch. 11:04am.

Why is it still dark?

"Why are you bursting in here like Rambo" you ask as you get out of bed, throwing the closest clothes on and shaking Eddie to get up.

"We saw the hole in the wall and your clothes. We assumed-"
"Assumed I'd killed her?" Eddie finishes for him.
Steve nods "Sorry man"
Eddie holds his hand up "No need to apologise, I almost did"
Steve goes to speak but you interrupt "It's a long story you don't need to hear. Why is it so dark?" You ask, walking out into the living room and seeing Dustin, Nancy and Robin all pacing the room.

You stare at them all for a second then go to the window. Your heart hammers in your chest when you see the sky, it's a dark blue with red rising up from the skyline. The view looked like Hawkins, the same buildings stood in place but the town was awash with midnight blue and red.
You turn to the group just as Eddie comes into the room, he sees the look on your face and senses your heart racing.
"What? What's happened?" He says, confused.
"Are we in the Upside Down?" You ask.
Nancy shakes her head "Nope. This is the normal world, the Upside Down has come to us"


"I don't understand. How has it bled into our world?" you ask.
"It knew. You saw how the bats reacted to the sword. They're part of the hive mind. Vecna knows I've got the sword" Eddie sighs "He must have sensed it earlier, he knows it's in our world now and not his"
You hold your head in your hands.
"I can hear it" Eddie continues "I can hear it again"
"What is it saying?" Dustin asks.

"The Lich must die"

Faint screams draw all of your attention, they sounded far away but they were loud, and there were a lot of them.
You all run outside and hear a chorus of screams and shout coming from town.

"We have to go. Now" Steve says gravely.

Eddie runs back in to grab the sword and the shield while you and Nancy double check the rest of the arsenal already in her car.
Satisfied, you all load in and speed towards town, following the screams as they grow louder, ignoring the creatures circling overhead.


As you hit the main road into town you see people running towards you, getting as far away from town as they can. You scream as someone bangs on the window next to your head before they're lifted off the floor. A black vine pulls him from his feet, into the air and into the mouth of a waiting vulture like creature that swallows him down whole.
"Nancy step on it!" Robin screams.

Nancy dodges abandoned cars and people as well as bodies littering the road.
"The town hall, the screamings coming from the town hall" Dustin shouts.
You speed past the school, you notice the army trucks still there but abandoned, pools of blood lie underneath open doors, as if someone tried to drive away but not quick enough.
"The crater at the school, that has to be how they got in" you say.

Above you a loud crack of lightening makes you all jump, seconds later there's another crack which lights up the sky ahead of you long enough to see bodies floating in the air. Dozens of them.

"Chrissy" Eddie whispers "that's what happened to Chrissy"
You grip his hand "remember, we will be ok" you tell him, feeling his hand trembling in yours.


Nancy hits the brakes so hard as you reach town that it makes your stomach flip.
You pile out of the car, almost tripping over each other in your haste to get to the boot of the car to grab your weapons.
You gaze around you, dead body's lay strewn across the floor, some ripped open by what would have been very large teeth, others contorted in unnatural poses, their limbs snapped and their eyes missing.

You choke back a gag, now was not the time to have a weak stomach.
You look up and see more bodies in the air, hovering. You can only watch as their limbs start to break, falling to the floor with a sickening thud once their bones are snapped in half.

Steve puts his hand on your shoulder "Come on, Vecna has to be here" he says before they all run towards the town hall.
You start to follow them but something grabs your arm and pulls you back. Eddie holds your face in his hands as he kisses you, deeply and passionately. His grip moves to your waist and he holds you close to him. You feel a tear fall onto your cheek but it isn't yours.
You break away and look up at him.
"Princess I love you. I've loved you since you first stepped foot in my trailer. Everyday I've loved you more and I still don't know what I did right to have you love me back but I'm the luckiest man in the world. Please don't ever change" he says
You hit his chest "Don't you DARE do a goodbye speech! You promised me we'd be ok, I promised you too. I don't break my promises Munson. We will be fine!" You yell.

He nods as he grabs the sword from its place on his back and slots the shield onto his other hand.
You watch as they start to glow with blue light, then you both run in the same direction the others headed in.

Straight towards certain death.

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