Chapter 6

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You return home to an empty house. Dustin had gone off with Mike after school and mom had probably picked up another shift at work. You were relieved, you wanted some time alone to get your head straight. You head into the kitchen and sit at the table, placing your head against the table, the cold wood soothing your aching head.

Eddie had thrown you through a loop. His reaction wasn't what you expected. You just gave him head once, probably not the first person that's done that with him so why should he have been bothered? Was this the confirmation you needed that he was hiding a crush too? Then you think of Dustin. He'd been through so much after Will and then half his friends moving away, you couldn't put a damper on his club too.

The front door slamming brings you back into the real world, Dustin walks into the kitchen and sits opposite you.
"You we're with Eddie last night weren't you? That top isn't the one I gave you. It's his isn't it?" He asks, the anger in his voice makes your stomach drop.
"Dustin can we not? I'm tired, I need a shower and I just want to be alone" you murmur.
"No, I want you to tell me the truth. Why were you at Eddies? All night aswell?"
"It wasn't all night, I came home didn't I?"
"Yeah at like 4am! I heard you come in! Do you know how much shit I'll get from the guys if they find out my sister is banging our DM?"
"Do NOT talk to me like that Dustin! I'm not banging him, nothing happened, not really. Anyway I've stopped it before anything even had the chance to happen. Happy?"
Dustin stands up and storms back out of the house, slamming the door so hard the floor shakes.


You shower, trying and failing to wash the day from you. You also tried to go to bed and nap but sleep just wasn't coming. You were too wound up by your argument with Dustin.

You decide to go for a walk to clear your head.

You knew you'd always liked Eddie, really liked him, and after the last 24 hours you had a feeling he felt the same. You both wanted something to happen but it couldn't. Dustin would never forgive you.
You remember last night, how he kissed you and touched you, how he reacted to you touching him. It made your body ache for him.

You look around you and realise, in your absentminded walking, you've walked to the trailer park where Eddie lives, you can see his trailer from where you're stood. For a second you consider seeing if he's home, apologising profusely, telling him you don't care what Dustin says, you want him and you want him now.

Could you?

"Y/N? I don't think Eddies home". Eddies uncles voice breaks your train of thought.
"Oh hey Mr Munson. No, I'm not looking for Eddie. I was just in the area". Sort of the truth.

"Wayne, Wayne is fine" he smiles "I imagine we'll be seeing more of each other so first name basis seems sensible"
"Why would we be seeing more of each other?" You ask.
"You were here pretty late last night and Eddie looked like the cat that got the cream this morning"
Your heart drops. "Did he? In what way?"
"Oh don't play dumb Y/N, surely you know Eddies got a crush on you?"
"I...I did not know that. Does Eddie do crushes?" You hoped you were doing an Oscar worthy performance right now.
"Yeah! He's a different person after he's been around you. He even tidies up before you come over, then he never invites you in. I make fun of him for it a lot"
You laugh, trying not to show how fast your hearts beating right now.
"I really didn't know that" you whisper.
"He's always had a thing for you. He talks about 'Henderson's sister' all the time. I laughed so hard beer shot out of my nose when he told me you pushed Dustin into a bin"
"I didn't throw him IN the bin, he just fell AGAINST the bin" you correct him.
"Still, that story's funny as shit"

So your feeling was true, Eddie did have a thing for you too. Was that why Dustin was so upset? Did he know? That's probably why he said the guys would make fun of him.

"Did you want me to tell Eddie you stopped by?" Wayne asks.
"No, don't worry. I'll catch him at school tomorrow"
He nods a response and pats your arm before heading into the trailer.

You sit down on a nearby tree stump to collect your thoughts, debating waiting for Eddie to come home. After a moment or two you finally head home. Your body aching and desperate for sleep.

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