Chapter 28

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The front door slamming open startles you both. You'd both fallen asleep following the rigorous activity earlier and Dustin, Steve, Nancy and Robin had woken you up by letting themselves in.

"Have you ever heard of knocking!" You yell, scrambling to cover your still naked form.
"Oh dude gross!" Dustin says, quickly turning around.
Robin busts out laughing and Nancy and Steve hide their eyes. Nancy spots your ripped top on the floor, making a mental note to grab more clothes for you the next time they come, and the mess around the dining table.

"Well, I'm glad Eddies feeling better!" Robin winks at you. You blush and wrap the blanket around yourself, running into the bedroom to get changed.

"Henderson you're good now" Eddie says, letting Dustin know he can turn around.
He clears his throat and tries to wipe that horrible memory from his mind.
He throws a stack of books on the table aswell as Eddies DM books.

"I found these at school" Dustin says.
"You broke into the school?!" You exclaim, returning from the bedroom fully clothed and furious.
"Really? Moral high ground?" Dustin barks.
You fall silent, shocked he answered back more than anything, and take a seat on the couch.

"I couldn't find much but it says the Sword of Kas was given to Kas by Vecna. As Eddie doesn't currently have the sword, I'm willing to bet we'll find it where Vecna is or maybe was" he explains.
"Which would be where?" You ask.
Steve and Robin glance at each other while Nancy stares at the floor.

"Dustin and Eddie weren't the only ones in the upside down" Robin says "Me, Steve and Nancy were there too. We went to Vecnas childhood home to kill him. We thought we had but his body disappeared. We don't know where he is now. I hate to say it but the first place we should probably look is there"

You look at them all, horrified "you want to go back down there? Again?"
Eddie takes your hand and grips it gently "Princess we might not have a choice. If this is up to me, and according to lore it is, then I need that sword"
You stand up and pace the room.

They can't be serious

"I just want to get this straight. You are all basing this, everything that's happening right now for real, on D&D? A game? A fantasy game?" You say, annoyed that this is even a suggestion.
Steve speaks first "It sounds crazy but it's been right so far. The Demogorgan, the mind flayer, it's all been right. This one has to be too"

You take a deep breath and try to calm the anxiety bubbling inside you.
"Guys I don't know, this is a-lot of risk for something that might not be true"

Eddie stands and walks over to you. He puts his hands on your cheeks and forces you to look at him "Princess this might be the only chance we have at making all this go away. We don't have a choice"
Tears sting your eyes as you gaze into his.
"Eddie I can't lose you again"
He kisses your forehead "You won't. I promise"

You push him away from you "You promised you'd come back! You promised you'd graduate! You promise all these things but they NEVER HAPPEN!" You shout, storming into the bedroom and slamming the door behind you. You lie in a fetal position on the bed and hug your knees to your chest. Imagining all the horrible ways this could go wrong.

A few minutes later there's a light knock at the door, Eddie opens it and comes in, shutting it behind him.
He sits on the edge of the bed and strokes your hair.
"Princess I know you hate this but there's no other choice. Vecna will come back and he will be pissed this time. By then it might be too late"
You sit up and wipe the tears from your face.
"What if you get hurt again? What if someone else gets hurt?" You whisper.

"You think that doesn't scare me too?" He asks "The whole time I was down there, everytime the SOS didn't seem to reach you I was terrified something had happened to you. It scared me more than being trapped down there ever could. But you're strong and determined, fierce and a little bit terrifying. I know you'll be ok, I need you to know I will be too"

"What about Dustin? Nancy? Steve? Robin? What if something happened to them?" You retort.
Eddie chuckles "Out of the 5 of us who was the one who didn't come out? And now that one has vampire shit going on. We will be fine, I promise. We will all be fine" he soothes.

You study his face, he looks content with his answer. No sign of doubt or lies.
"Fine. But I want to hear a detailed plan of attack before I even think about allowing this"
"I would expect nothing less" he smiles.

You both go back into the living room, the others seemingly on edge.
They obviously didn't seem as sure as Eddie.

"I want to make this very clear" you address them all, looking at each of them in turn "I don't like this, this whole thing terrifies me. But if we have to then we do it"

Dustin nods and gets to work showing everyone all the information he's gathered on the Sword of Kas.


After a few hours a plan has been hashed together. You'd enter from the same entrance in Eddies trailer, this time taking bikes. You'd all head to Vecnas house and begin the search there, the sword has to be there.

"If it's not, then I'm out of ideas" Dustin says, not very reassuringly.
Everyone looks at you, waiting for some kind of approval.
You ignore the gnawing in your stomach and nod.

"When do we leave"

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