Chapter 30

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"E...Eddie?" You stutter, backing away from him slowly "Are you... you?"
Eddies eyes are glowing blue, his skin has gone pale and his body is trembling. The sword and shield pulse with pure energy, the blue flashes matching his own pulse.

They've become a part of him

Eddies chest rises and falls quickly, his shoulders moving as he takes deep breath after deep breath. His eyes flit between each of you, a manic look in his stare.

You step closer but Steve grabs your arm and pulls you back.
Eddies head whips towards the movement, his left eye starting to twitch slightly.

"Eddie... please..." you beg "Please try and fight this"
Eddie shakes his head as if shaking something from inside it. He blinks manically before he falls to the floor, exhausted.

You shake Steve off your arm and run to him.
"Eddie! Are you ok?" You try and hide the panic in your voice but it's too much.
He looks up at you and grins "That was fucking cool!" He says.
Your whole body relaxes as you breathe a sigh of relief.

Steve rolls his eyes as everyone else mimics you, relief flooding everyone's bodies.
"We have to go, now, we don't know how long Eddie can handle those things without becoming something else" Dustin says.
You pull Eddie to his feet and you haul ass out of the house.

Outside the air seems thicker, more menacing somehow.
Something had changed and the creatures could sense it.
Robin screams as a large, black bat swoops down at your group. You swing at it with the axe but it's too quick.
You gasp as more of the same appear, you're all surrounded by demobats, they're circling your group and there are too many to stop them.
You all form a tight circle, swiping and shooting at any that get too near.
You see movement from the corner of your eye as Eddie steps forward. He holds the sword up in the air and holds the shield in front of his body.

The sword ripples with light and the bats shriek and fly away, their screeching growing fainter as they gain distance, desperate to be away from the magical artefact.

"I really didn't think that would work" Eddie says, eyeing the sword as the pulsing light fades away to a stop.
You stare at him furiously "Then why the fuck did you do it?!"
"Guys now isn't the time. We have to go" Nancy shouts.
You grab your previously abandoned bikes and head off into the direction of Eddies trailer, the sword and shield pulsing on Eddies back whenever it sensed something was near.

"So what did it feel like?" Dustin asks, staring at the sword and the shield currently propped up on the couch.
"Like... pure power" Eddie responds, sat on the coffee table, stroking the shield in front of him softly.

"It says here that it's the only thing that can kill Vecna. He created the only weapon that can kill him. What a moron" you laugh, flicking through Eddies DM book at the dining table, positioning yourself as far away from the magical artefacts as you could get. You didn't trust them.
Nancy takes the book from you "She's right, Eddie this could actually destroy Vecna" she repeats excitedly.

"Guys it's really late. We've got what we needed tonight, I think some sleep before we take on the forces of darkness might be wise" Robin yawns.

A ripple of agreement goes through the group as they all rise to leave.
Steve looks at you and mouths "will you be ok?"
You nod and wave the walkie talkie at him. He nods back and leaves with the others. Leaving you and Eddie alone with his new toys.

Eddie gets up and walks over to the dining table,
he sits down next to you and takes your hand in both of his, kissing it softly.
"I told you we'd be ok" he winks.
You lean in and kiss him, your tongue entering his mouth and running over one of his fangs. A jolt of excitement runs through you when you remember how it felt when he bit you.
He raises his eyebrow when he hears your heart skip a beat.

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