Chapter 12

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Eddie comes to bed a couple of hours later, waking you up from a light sleep. You'd started struggling to sleep without him there. You couldn't decide if this was sweet or really annoying.

He slips one arm under you and you instinctively move to cuddle into him, resting your head on his chest and letting his heartbeat relax you.

He strokes your back with his fingertips, making small circles on your skin. He smiles as you shiver every time he goes over your spine.

"I need you to help me with homework tomorrow" he murmurs sleepily.
You lean up on your elbow to look at him. "On a Sunday? You don't even do homework on a weekday"
"Not if I can help it. I'm close to flunking biology and I need to ace this class if I have any hope of graduating this year"
You rest your chin on his chest and gaze up at him. "You don't normally worry about it?"

He looks down at you, you can see a glint of worry in his eyes.
"Because you're going to be graduating and I want us to do it together and get the hell out of this town and start living"
Your heart leaps, that's all you've wanted for the past few weeks.
"I can help you Eddie, I want that for us too"
He leans down to kiss your forehead "I can't imagine anything without you there" he whispers.

"Where do you want to go? What plans do you have?" You ask.
He shrugs "Music I guess. Start the band I want to start, try and make it. I have this image of us in New York or California, me working in studios recording albums, you writing or doing something with movies. Just living this life together, doing what we love"

That dream truly sounded perfect.

"But what about Hellfire?" You ask.
"It's a school club, I can't be in it if I'm not at school anymore. I'll probably hand it over to one of the other guys, maybe Dustin"
You feel a warm glow at how happy that would make Dustin.
"Perhaps I'd let you teach me how to play properly, stop you getting withdrawal symptoms" you half joke.
He laughs "I'll hold you to that" he responds, you can hear in his voice he's ready to sleep now.

You snuggle back into him, listening to his heartbeat slow down and his breathing deepening as he falls into sleep.

You lie awake for a little longer, still listening to his heart. Yours almost bursting at the knowledge that it belongs to you.

Natural 20- Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now